
You know Trump fans think those kind of edits and shoops are cool as shit right? Reminds me of that article that was up a while ago on Gawker about how Hilary Clinton was describing Trump in the corniest ways possible as an attempt at derision but in reality just made him sound cooler to his fanboys. Hilary is out of

Well I guess that changes everything. I heard he also loves hispanics

More than half of the male sculptures found from the archaic period of Ancient Greece are depicted with this style of hair so I imagine that it wasn’t just a phase.

Very powerful

You’re mad that he gets on yachts?! YACHTS?! Yachts are powered by WIND!

Stop with your vicious, digital onslaught you monster

Somebody sounds jealous

The hair looks fucking fine. Pretty clear cut example of racism I’d say

I’m with him, you blatantly disregarded what he said so that you could be the double plus good internet liberal and link to some blog.

I know you think you are being helpful with your self-deprecation but really it just makes you look like you’re trying to hard. In my experience, most non-whites don’t want you to take yourself down a notch but instead want to do away with notches all together.

Because there are already a bunch of European heritage months and celebrations.

I started out coming here a few years ago to hate read articles but some of the site has rubbed off on me. Most of the commenters are pricks who throw around buzzwords like “whitesplaining” but some are decent. I don’t give a fuck what the majority of this site’s users’ political beliefs are as I have never let

Not him but I’ve been in your tent and it isn’t as irresistibly appealing as you may think

I’m kinda like you actually. We had such a miserable selection of pricks in the GOP to choose from this time around. It’s a shame. Trump is going to get stomped in the next round, not a doubt in my mind at all. This is a very early stage of the election process. Sure the hilariously blatant race-baiting (“Mexico ain’t

Russians and Irish are white too you idiot