He declined to go to the strip club with her - the pantsing happened in public at a roller rink during someone’s birthday party. Reading comprehension, bruh.
He declined to go to the strip club with her - the pantsing happened in public at a roller rink during someone’s birthday party. Reading comprehension, bruh.
While you are absolutely correct that she did not deserve to be treated this way, I also have no doubt that Britt McHenry would be the first one in line to defend a right-wing dude accused of saying these things to another woman.
Excuse yourself from this conversation.
A good NVMe SSD can reach speeds of 3,500 MB/s over four lanes of PCIe 3.0. Current-gen consoles ship with 5400RPM hard drives that don’t spin fast enough to approach the limits of a 300 MB/s SATA 2 bus. So if PS5 and the next-gen Xbox models are using NVMe SSDs as rumored, an order of magnitude improvement in loading…
load times actually mater. A lot of game design currently is working around loading zones and texture pop in. Eliminating that is actually quite interesting from a dev standpoint, and changes how levels and textures are designed.
This is actually an extremely exciting feature for me. I have long lamented loading times in games. I hope Microsoft implements a similar solution in the next Xbox as well.
Nobody with half a brain is the first, so.... you do the math.
Nobody with half a brain is the first, so.... you do the math.
He’s a Dem Soc. So the second.
Apparently SEGA didn’t care for the design, but got overruled by higher up producers. Team Sonic people have been pretty diplomatic, but its not hard to read between the lines.
I like to think that the director and producers went to the artists to tell them that they had to change the design, only for all of them to look at them with eyes of disdain that screamed “we fucking told you!”
How the fuck are they just NOW getting that message? Ever since the first teaser poster came out it’s been unanimously negative, including from the top people of Sega themselves.
So edgy and yet so wrong.
Movie Sonic looks like a furry cosplay. The stylized rework looks like, well, Sonic.
Actually Sega hated the way they designed Sonic for the movie. There are tons of articles about it.
That fan redesign actually looks better than any sonic within the past decade IMO.
Potato aim? Is that an actual saying among the kids these days?
Loved the game when it came out. I didn’t buy into any of the hype people were piling on it, watched plenty of news about it, saw the interviews and all that. When it was revealed it wasn’t actually multiplayer I had no problem with that. I didn’t see it as some kind of MASTER DECEPTION(!) like so many people did.
People overhyped the shit out of the game when they were four fucking people working on it. I don’t understand how people could be so surprised by the result. Stop overhyping shit. Every-fucking-game get overhyped and some people will get very vocal about the thing they imagine because it’s not what they wanted.
A “liar, thief and fraud” wouldn’t be spending time to deliver on those promises, when they could be busy chasing that almighty dollar in a different game.