The first time through I was all I kind of dig this Jim... lately though I have an odd ball crush on Dwight (later season Dwight especially). Also, if the bobble Dwights were not so expensive I would have one in my office right now.
The first time through I was all I kind of dig this Jim... lately though I have an odd ball crush on Dwight (later season Dwight especially). Also, if the bobble Dwights were not so expensive I would have one in my office right now.
THANK YOU. Everyone thinks jim is perfect man but he’s very selfish.
I actually understood her hesitance. It is nice to dream about, especially when you dream about becoming an artist, but when you are actually confronted with that reality, and when you have kids and a solid job that you are comfortable with, that type of move can be scary.
Lake Bell knows what’s what. Half-and-half on Cracklin’ Oat Bran is better than probably half the sex I’ve had in my life.
I mean she has her art history degree from St. Andrews, which is a pretty great university, so I’m assuming her thought process is a bit more complex than “is it pretty.”
You’re comparing the best prospects of GMO’s with the very worst aspects of large scale organic, but in North America, that’s not the choice farmers are generally forced to make. As I explained, where I live there is one GMO company, and that’s Monsanto, so I’m comparing local farmers’ experience with that company to…
As TheVagenius, I can say that any person who has a critique about your vulva/lips/lady parts/bizness is likely a person whose familiarity with real live naked bodies is about oh, 4-5 inches or so. They don’t know what they’re talking about and it’s not your fault they’re blithering idiots. Tell them that if they…
If this doesn’t show that in fact, large doses of easily accessed pornography is having an impact (a negative impact) on children I don’t know what does. This makes me so, so sad. And I realized, had I constantly seen these images or had my male peers had this much access to these images I would have been one of those…
I haven’t seen one. So . . .
hear, hear. I’m a lady Sanders supporter, have been since I first heard him speak and was like HELL YEAH FINALLY this guy gets it.
I get called a white young male on a regular basis here— ironically, largely by white women who try to use identity politics and racial/gender shaming to force other white people to agree with them. It’s disgusting to use someone elses race as leverage. And anyone who does it is no ally.
I hear her. I’m a female Bernie supporter and I’m tired of bernie supporters being talked about like we (female supporters) don’t exist. I’m not a “Bernie bro”, nor am I sexist, and I care about civil liberties, just like Sanders.
The answer, I assume, is zero.
One of the best arguments I’ve heard against restricting abortion is basically the organ donor comparison:…
Think? Yeah, no. Deformed babies are punishment for the mother’s sins, not the result of a insect-transmitted virus.
“How many severely disabled children are you prepared to adopt and care for, for their entire lives? And, if you’re not willing to do that, how many tens of thousands of dollars a year would you be willing to pay in additional taxes to provide state care for them?”
My question to all anti-choicers is “How many babies are you prepared to adopt if you force-birth hundreds of thousands, or more, a year?” And, considering that many pregnancies are terminated because, if brought to term, they would result in a child with severe disabilities or medical issues that the women/parents…
I would add to your bill an amendment where they would have to make a Cersei Lannister Walk of Shame in their birthday suits with women throwing used tampons and pads at them.
So the theory here is that the reason more African American women seek out abortion is not that they are more likely to face economic hardship and lack of access to birth control, but rather that they don’t want black babies? Just want to make sure I understand.