Most Likely To Fail Upward
Most Likely To Fail Upward
A married father decided to attempt to woo a friend of mine who was his classmate in an English MA program. She was in a shitty relationship and flirted back a bit, to her current shame, they probably let things cross some lines but then my favorite thing of all time happened.
Look, The River is a bloated mistake, where he held on to the jangly guitar sound without the rest of the Wall of Sound, leaving the whole album sounding both spare and irritatingly annoying. It’s a sprawling double album that boils down to two or three good songs and a lot of the same jangly jangly garbage. It’s no…
That is all.
That was the story of Sunday - Patriot goes for a 2, disaster ensues.
That’s funny but Boston is awesome (spring-fall anyway)
I’m happily surprised that neither combatant resorted to gunplay. Then I’m sad that such a small display of basic sense surprises me.
Not that I can recall. Privately, however, I can think of one, perhaps.
As I patriots fan, we lost because our offensive line got manhandled. I don’t have a problem with any of his decisions. Hopefully we’ll be better next year.
“Harris, I want you to get out there and suck the shit out of 87’s dick. He’ll never have a chance to get off the line!”
If Seth is telling the truth that he was thrown at least 20 feet then we can rule out Peyton Manning as a suspect.
Ironic that injuries inflicted through dirty hits would bring down the Steelers.
6. Reading things from ElephanTitus Andronicus...
unlike weed you would need to smoke a whole “blunt” of it to get high
Well, this will be a black eye on the organization
12. Horrific motorboating accident.
That never happens when I watch the WNBA....
Shit, if only there was a movie quote I could steal to make a joke about this situation...oh well, back at it tomorrow.