
Basically GRRM wants to screw with every high fantasy trope and kick his readers in the teeth.

I’m reeeeeeeeeeeeally hoping that was a ruse. Umber wouldn’t swear an oath, so maybe he just doesn’t want to be an oathbreaker? He was just like “Hey! Look at the shiny Stark!” so Ramsey would trust him and he can destroy him from inside Winterfell.

That annoyed me profoundly.
WHY did they introduce all these wolves just to fucking BUTCHER THEM. WHY !?!?

I think so, that would be the GoT way. To get something you want, Sansa free and the Starks back in power in Winterfell, you have to wade through a river of **** first. If Rickon is flayed I’m going to be absolutely pissed.