
Jesus Christ is it 1993 still? Hasn’t this “link” been debunked numerous times by now, if I recall right, if anything violent games act as more of a release for pent up aggression. But by all means, lets point fingers at pointless topics to obfuscate the real issue. I’m so sick of all this #winning...

Maybe a meeting with Molyneux could create an ouroboros of lies so unending we won’t hear from either ever again?

Since they gave them the actual source code, are giving them public credit for the work they did and are making it an official commercial product and not a mod, there’s almost a 100% chance they’re getting paid for it now. At the very least they’re getting a percentage of the sales of the new version of the game.

Nonsense. Can it do floor over floor? Does it have a z axis? These are easy questions to answer.

If that really bothers you, maybe you have too much time on your hands.

What?! We don’t have the budget for that!! After my superintendent pay raise, we barely have enough to get toilet paper!!

Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

I’d settle on “Longer than the next day.” Or, you know, just don’t put it in the damn headline. Would this article be any less served with a headline like, “Holy shit, I can’t believe they finally killed him last night!”??

Boom— I know to keep on scrolling.

If someone posted “Holy Shit They Cut Ned Stark’s Head Off!” as

Except I logged on to Deadspin for TEH SPORTS and the first headline on the page is a god damned spoiler for a TV show I’m like 8 episodes back on. In the headline, no less.

Yes, Deadspin, that classic TV site.

Maybe it was cross-posted to a Sports website, Headline when you load the page.

Spoiler Alert: The show sucks donkey dick nowadays.

“(Warren police) haven’t done much to repair the whole.”

That’s only with the first few circles, the last few are much more damaging.

Are the Anti-Subnautica lobby paying you for this comment? Hmm...

Unless there’s more posts that don’t have the “Subnautica” tag.... there’s three this month, and two in January. And the third one this month was about them firing a guy for bad tweets, not really a paid-for puff piece.

The issue with uploading a cracked copy of a game with a virus in it, is that that kinda of thing just doesn’t happen and/or work. Pretty much all “legit” pirating sites either don’t even allow those things on their site in the first place, or get taken down so quick it’s not worth the effort, this idea that

Technically if the EULA doesn’t spell this out, then they can face federal jail time. Even on a pirate copy of the game. If someone steals something from you, it doesn’t give you the implicit right to harm them in any manner.

I fail to see how not pirating the game makes this any less of an issue.

The Wakandans have the most powerful technology on Earth and despite the lines about regular mortals “catching up,” they’re in no real danger. They have spacecraft with antigravity generators, something we can’t match. They have invisibility screens and massive shields. They have an essentially unlimited source of