Always worth a listen backwards.
Always worth a listen backwards.
Nor should those facts add anything to the game. It’s seemingly irrelevant to one’s experience of the game.
And I’m sure you’ve lived your life admirably up to this point as well.
Sorry, but King Arthur existance has never even been proven. So all the things about him are considered myth. While there certainly have been blacks in Europe during the middle ages it was still very very very rare in most parts. Most of the blacks were muslims that came in from the south of Spain ( Moors ), but…
The political views of a developer should be no reason not to buy or publicize a game made by many kinds of people of different creeds.
Go troll somewhere else.
I think it’s reasonable to review a man’s work and a man’s moral separatedly.
I’m pretty sure you fit the description of one of the SJW he references in the link you posted. How does that make you feel?
So because of a comment about one crazed SJW girl he now “virulently hates women, Muslims and other groups of people”? I mean c’mon, get out of your comfort bubble. (And yeah, a lot of so called social justice warriors are quite zealous about everyone and everything they regard as offensive almost as survival of…
Disagreeing with your political opinions =/= raping a child
Why? He just wanted to make a historically accurate game and Gamergate helped expose the media for the lying fucks they are.
The article you’re linking doesn’t really explain or back up your points about the guy though.
As someone that has played the game, the Cumans are represented as nothing other than an ‘other’, something that is not Czech, invading and killing in Czech lands. They are represented as mercenaries, as they commonly were, that are underpaid by their Liege and thus pillage for payment. They are represented as…
Because it’s a cool and unique game, and not everybody gives a flying fuck about the things you hold most dear?
Maybe you should use other sites rather than just being a hateful uneducated weirdo on a site you don’t agree with
you seem full of hate yourself....
Hey Zegota, are you going to deny the hard work the rest of the hard working men AND WOMEN at Warhouse just because 1 single guy happened to be part of Gamergate? The game was only even possible because of it’s historian, a woman with arguably one of the greatest influence on any development team ever with her ability…
Comparing a pro-gamergater to a man who sexually assaulted a 13-year old is completely unjustified.
get off your SJW horse; do something productive instead.
Kotaku continued covering Mass Effect despite Manveer Heir working on the game. And he was a hell of lot more racist than this chap.