Yeah. There are still parents that have to identify their children’s bodies tonight. I’m not sure why anyone would care right now about how two Olympic skaters found out about the story.
Yeah. There are still parents that have to identify their children’s bodies tonight. I’m not sure why anyone would care right now about how two Olympic skaters found out about the story.
Yeah I was waiting for the sentence about them being from South Florida or something and it just never came.
The whole premise of this article Are we supposed to feel bad for the Knierims? Proud of them for skating in a circle well after watching the news? I expected them to be from Parkland, or something. I’m sure a lot of NBA and NHL players had a similar experience this evening.
This is just a symptom of the larger problem, which is that WAY too many games are released per year, by several orders of magnitude, and especially on Steam.
I’m not sure which is funnier, your post or all the responses that could not recognize such an amazing display of sarcasm. Hats off to you sir.
Given all these responses, sarcasm is clearly dead.
I think just mental health.
“Incredibly” rude? Really? Like, this joke is so rude you simply cannot believe it? Remind me not to blow your mind by asking if you know how to keep an idiot in suspense...
Yeah I think a lot of it is the broadcast. NBC’s insistence on tape delays and framing personal narratives and all that other crapola gets in the way of just watching events unfold live.
HUGE part of that is the tape delay though tbh. All the fun of turning on the TV at 2 in the morning to watch an event is ruined, and all in the name of commercials. It doesn’t even flow better, the awkward stop/start/skip competitors format is just terrible.
I call that getting what you deserve for fueling the plague of collectathon-centric games we’re cursed with. I like to think that the reward of a golden turd is fantastic commentary by the devs on what is truly shitty and boring gameplay hooks too many games rely upon. They don’t even intend for you to collect all…
Its hardly racist to mock a language. Insensitive? Possibly, but not racist. Also, to call out white people for his explanation is in itself racist. Using racism as a mechanism to expose what you deem to be racism makes you just as bad (or worse) than those who you’re speaking out against.
I’m not fan of Dr. Disrespect, but I have to agree with you. He’s doing an act, playing a character, it’s his schtick. Of course it’s going to rub some people the wrong way. Think of it like a comedian on stage, nobody cares when other ethnicities are clowning on white people or vice versa, because it’s not genuinely…
It’s funny to be lectured about discrimination by some idiot saying “peak white guy”.
Oh like you have 2 opposing view points. One is saying I’ll let you know if the character you pick is acceptable for the rest of the team, the other side is the guy actually playing and says no I’ll chose whoever I want to play with and they proceed to call each other names. Overwatch community needs a dad to just…
whining and crying and complaining
Whenever I read overwatch articles everyone comes across as spoiled children.
Good question, I’d say with 99% certainty no. A closed system helps a lot in situations like that.
I had to stop playing this game once the cheating was on par with Diablo 1 on PC over Battlenet in the 1990's.
If you’re planning on boycotting every company that ever employed a racist I truly hope you’re capable of living off the land. I’m not sure what else they could have done here. They didn’t give these people a warning, or sensitivity training, or any other nonsense. They took the strictest action they possibly could…