
Yes, so much this post. That's the whole argument around this female purity myth — that boys are just uncontrollable sex monsters and the onus is on the girls to dictate how much sexual activity occurs bc they're the ones with the "consciences" and the reputations to protect.

Exactly. The onus is always placed on girls/women for their actions. God forbid men think of managing theirs. "Don't stare" seems like a pretty simple, straightforward fix, but no, it's the girls who are at fault.

I struggled with this quite a bit as well back when I taught. The thing that drove me mad was the girls were routinely punished for wearing tank tops while boys could always be found around the phys ed wing topless. I'm all for professional school wear (including gym attire), but when I received a lecture for sending

I've heard male teachers, my husband included, talk extensively about how girls need to dress appropriately so that their male teachers don't have to worry about being accused of "staring". To which my response was, "Then don't stare." This whole thing creeps me out more than I can properly express right now. But I'm

This same thing happens whenever I generalize "white people" when talking online. And a white person invariably pops in to say, "don't you mean...some white people?"

Some good points, I just don't understand why society has placed sex as such an all encompassing vital ordeal. Its such a small part of who we are. Mainstream society has told us that there are pretty much two things that make your life valuable or invaluable based on how you use it: sex and money. 50% of our life is

My girlfriend wanted to know. I think she's still a little weirded out by the fact that it isn't in single digits (since I'm the only person she's ever slept with). Eh. I'm not ashamed of it, nor do I think anyone else (men or women) should be.

Any guy who'd be scared off by a woman who makes the first move is an insecure dickhole. When I was still dating, on the few occasions that happened to me, I thought it was unbelievably attractive.

This is something I've felt strongly about for a long time, ever since I had the first logic-devoid argument with a guy about how they had zero problems using women for sex but wouldn't date these same women because they were "easy."

"Women, stop sexualizing yourselves—that's our job, and you're taking all the fun out of it."