intimidation or they think it makes them look cool.
intimidation or they think it makes them look cool.
That was a dumb analogy... if you call me a motherfucker then jump out in front of my car, that's going 50+mph on the highway, to punch me in the face and the inevitable collision with my car kills you, and it's all on video, I won't be charged.
I have never heard a sprint car driver say stable, or easy to see out of, when describing their experience. I'm sure it is just a walk in the park. /s
Stewart had cars in front of him, it's entirely possible that his view was blocked and he wasn't expecting a guy to be standing on the track where he shouldn't of been.
What Stewart's intentions may or may not have been is really a moot point—Ward stepped out of his car on to a hot track and ran at another car, and got hit. There's no way any charges will be filed.
You guys might want to make it clear, since there seem to be a ton of mis/uninformed commenters who think they understand sprint cars, exactly what makes them difficult to handle. Maybe post an article with just a little educational material, because the amount of wild speculation coming from people who just have no…
I imported SM64 as a 15-year-old and it was the first polygonal game I ever played. It holds a very special place in my heart and seeing these last two posts of yours has really reignited my love of this classic.
Exploiting glitches is NOT cheating if you do it in single player. Not in the slightest. Not at all.
You lose credibly for arguing that the guy was actually threatening to anally rape her. It's certainly true that he shouldn't be making a rape joke (in this case a prepare your anus joke) but nobody seriously believed that to be a rape threat.
Terrifyingly long?
And I can already smell the barrage of think pieces from pop culture critics trying to dissect a marriage they were never a part of.
Yeah, good thing StubHub doesn't offer a Fan Protect Guarantee or anything. Then they would look really stupid.
You sound like you're trying to kick me out of a middle school birthday party. What's wrong with a dissenting voice?
I've come to understand that in this environment there is nothing a white man who doesn't identify himself as an Oberlin graduate student studying feminist theory(specializing in the marginalization of feminist women of color at the hands of white women) can do to have a healthy discussion.
Boy Howdy. The troll force is strong with nu-kinja.
I'm convinced commenters are mostly people who outgrew 4chan, but have still had their attitudes shaped by it. Jezebel is normally better than that, but these types of stories generally attract commentariat from the mothership site.
He looks more like a caricature of a Beatle than a Jewish man, says this Jewish lady. I was particularly thinking Ringo, FYI.
Im guessing the answer, after all the bullshit, boils down to : Money.
Wow, many of you have a lot of anger towards a sport, which is just as difficult and competitive as skiing, but since it is newer we must hate it. Although, it is probably older than some of you since it started in the late 1960's early 1970's. You're all right though, snowboarding takes no talent, isn't dangerous…
Everyone should stop referring to him with the last name of Zimmerman.