Matt Vallee

Is this a troll comment, or just a deep misunderstanding of the game?

A policy of regular Covid tests seems a little undercut if they don’t actually wait for the results to decide if someone is cleared for production.

Congratulations. I’m looking forward to your articles.

I did not know this. Seems like that could have been focus grouped.

It’s almost like he wasn’t sorry and is a huge asshole...

This article reads like it was written by a college student trying to reach three pages on a subject they don’t really understand.

It needs a good editor.

It’s fingerprinting every single one of your pictures to compare against a database. Is that not enough of a privacy violation? 

Please stop throwing out this straw man on this. Nobody is asking or wants to sit in one place and play. The radius changes made the game better. You still have to get out and about to play it.

I’m a launch player and I deleted Pokemon Go this past weekend.

So that’s why he’s called Winnie the Pooh.

This lack of proofreading from and editor

What? Unhappy is seven letters, not five!
-me reading the first paragraph, realizing why I don’t do crossword puzzles

I really like the “integrated power cable in table leg” implementation. Bravo!

we are short staffed and have even more people leaving to a degree that covering the news surrounding all aspects of this is taking every resource. i am having convos with folks as we go but at the moment the plan is to continue covering relevant news with the appropriate context and tone, should it be newsworthy.

All the news I see on the BP sequel just makes me kind of sad. I’m sure the movie will be fine but the double punch of losing both Boseman and T’Challa hurts.

I am a Random main as well... but mostly because I’m not great with anyone anyway and just prefer leaning into the chaos with whoever the game picks.

Now he can dedicate the rest of his career to playing Gentleman Detective Benoit Blanc. 

I hope they bring back Connery as the next bond.

There is no precedent for the current management team to fix a single thing on Kinja.  They won’t start now.

Hey, real talk: how much longer is it going to be until we see a fix for direct comment linking? Because it’s been pretty well impossible to carry on a conversation in the comments for months at this point, since notifications can no longer bring you directly to the comment that replied to you.