Matt Vallee

Why is telecommuting not an option?

Really don’t understand why people are so weirded out by Loki and Sylvie. It’s just another form of masturbation.

Questionable ethics aside, there’s gonna be scalpers all over this thing. You might not be able to get one in that two week interval.

There are people who have to walk miles to school, yet some people walk for sport. There are people who have to dive pearls for a living, yet some dive for sport. There are people who don’t even have a TV or money to go to a sports game, yet some people play sports for living.

Is it bad that I have been reading your name on the bylines for the past 2 weeks and it’s not even clicked that you went and came back? You’re one of the names that just seems so natural to see on an article here that I think my brain flashed back to 2017 and refused to realise you hadn’t been ever present over the

Yay! Patricia’s back! Yay!

Yeah, I’m tempted to put these people in the same bucket as the ones that enter into a business agreement with a Nigerian prince over email.

I think Mobius is Loki. And not just any Loki - I think he’s the Loki we’ve been centered on up til now. His entire history with the TVA is a long con to ensure his own survival, get access to restricted records, and meet the Time Keepers.

I personally hope Disney holds the tide against full season drops. I know this war is probably already lost, but putting up the full season at once is the absolute Worst way to experience a show.
“Hi guys! Did you want to see what happens in this exciting, surprising TV show without it being spoiled in the

What? Those games are made by Sony studios. Bethesda was a 3rd party studio making games that were multiplatform for decades. Even if Xbox owns them now they were not XBOX games and those games would have 100% hit Playstation consoles.

It is clear you do not understand the entire point of this article.

I own both consoles, so I’d hardly consider myself a fanboy, but Microsoft’s acquisition took dozens of IPs that have been on Playstation for decades and suddenly said “no more.”

I think “Yeah, we’re not ready to show it yet” is perfectly fine. Everyone understands that.

Don’t announce or show games that far ahead of time.

I’m not angry or anything, but I find conversations about what price games should be sort of odd. Games get priced at what the company thinks they’ll sell for, there’s no “should” about it.

I too would like to go to their place of work and flip out when they try to give me the middle of the road option instead of the least expensive by default.

“It’s the principle about it.”

First of all, ready player one x fortnite would work SO well (alt styles for each skin with real world and oasis styles). Second of all, the story of how this came about is shockingly wholesome. Donald Mustard worked with the author of these books on infinity blade, and they are apparently really good friends, so he

Agreed. This new “layout” is garbage.


Seconded. The site is an incomprehensible mess. Please fix it.