Matt Vallee

Fallout 4, a video game about a grizzled German Shepherd who learns how to love, ...

Love the Cube being brought back. I wonder if the “scrap a legendary for a passive skill” thing will really be one-for-one, though. For example, if something gives you extra damage %, will it give you that full % or just a portion of it? For things like Royal Grandeur, you obviously can’t have “require 0.25 less set



Sighhhh thanks for the Starcraft: Ghost reminder. I’ll go sob in a corner now.

I’ll finally take the plunge and buy an X1 for this.

I haven’t played Skyrim in years, but I’d pony up 50 cents for the chicken companion. He’s adorable.

These all look like great changes! But, I wouldn’t call the reforge option new since it was around for at least the last round of Iron Banner. A good idea yes, but not new.

Great read!

I’ve been using a version of this for months now, but it does have a fair amount of stutters and hiccups with my LG G3. It’ll be update time once I get home!

I've played through each generation at least once except gen 4. I humbly submit my entry:

No no no. You don't simply press down+B. You have to press and hold it right when the Pokeball closes. That's the method that works (source: me).

It's gotta be the night that me and my Horde buddies spent taking over Southshore. We rolled in with some high level characters, must have been 60s at the time, and decimated the town. We killed the innkeeper so people couldn't hearth to it and took out the flight master so the cavalry couldn't come. After we we're

You are spot on. Right after you escape from [LOCATION], a silhouette of a giant lumbering thing is walking towards you until you, then you pass out and wake up days later. I figured it was a yeti and I guess I was right!

As for the Yetis themselves, well… let's just say that you're finally going to have a use for that elephant gun you always admired but never wanted to carry around. They're tough bastards, they can take you out in a hit or two, and they can run as fast as you can. You're not safe from them even in a vehicle, and

Recruiting Magus to your team was crazy. The bad guy? On my side? WHAT?!

I think if you are reading a review for DLC, it's expected that you've at least played the main game or know the story and twists within it. Otherwise why bother reading about bonus content for something you don't know the base of?

This is an interesting case. On one hand, I'm all for games that are concise and well-crafted. Some of my favorite games of recent memory have been in the 6-10 hour range (Guacamelee, Transistor, etc.). I love single player games and hate when companies tack on multiplayer just to satisfy people that demand it for

This right here is a cool idea. I can get behind this.

But some people enjoy the secondary entertainment of being in the same room as other players. Some of my most fun gaming experiences are playing games like Super Smash Bros Melee or Halo 3 with people next to me, able to look at them and call them morons right to their faces.