Matt Vallee

I'm very verrrry casual in my amount of comic reading but Y: The Last Man was incredible.

I picked up Shadow Warrior and Guacamelee on the PSN flash sale a few weeks ago, so I'm playing through both of those. Dying Light, Evolve, and The Order: 1886 are all in my near future as well.

I would drop everything and play that in a heartbeat.

I absolutely love when people make up games within games. This sounds like a blast!

Love this idea. It would even give people that don't want to play the game but are still interested in it a way to do a pseudo Let's Play.

Damn. I was thinking about getting this, but if my X360 characters can't come to my PS4, then I'm probably out.

Mmmm, the 9 Hammer. What a glorious feeling to connect with one of those.

First post from the new guy and I completely agree with you. I think we'll get along just fine.

Seriously, if you're breeding and you aren't using a Ditto, you must hate yourself. Catch a few with the good natures, pop an Everstone on it, and boom.

Gears of War Trilogy would be an instant-buy for me.

I see it, too. Weird.

That Xbox Live deal is pretty sweet. Any similar deals for PS+ lurking around? Maybe coming down the pipe soon? I'm sure there are a lot of people who, like me, bought a PS+ membership when the PS4 released last November and are in need of a re-up soon.

I'm in shock over what his real voice sounds like.

For the ~7 hour sprint that it is, it's pretty damn fun.

PS4 ($400)

I guess you and I are on the short list of people who enjoyed it!

This soundtrack is incredible. Once I started playing last night, my roommate chimed in with, "that sounds AMAZING, what is that?"

Golden Sun 1/2 for sure

My favorite/most played Game Boy game has to be Pokemon Red. I remember playing it absolutely everywhere — my house, friends houses, car rides, etc. I still have my old grey Game Boy, but the dark grey outline on the screen that says "Dot Matrix with Stereo Sound" came unglued and fell off some time ago. Other