This will be the best thing ever. I sure miss arena-style deathmatches.
This will be the best thing ever. I sure miss arena-style deathmatches.
I think this also will suffice. As a Christian myself, — ... — ... — ?!>?!?X#Q#%^^U — ... — ... — seriously here?
Hey, dude. Don't back down on it. I think it's damn absurd that Capcom has not consistently given any love to Mega Man. Out of all the company's properties, Mega Man is closer to my heart than any of them. They've given us bits and pieces for years of things in development, things on the horizon, things coming this…
WHAT — THE — HELL, CAPCOM?!? Jesus. Like freaking Letdown City over there.
That bad boy needed some contrast. Done and done. Thanks for the post.
I remember this dude from the illustrated Call of Cthulhu a few months back. Genius.
Oh my God — Daft Punk have turned into actual robots, battle dinosaurs.
Go — us? Team Xbox? Team XCock? XCOM: Penis Unknown?
At the end of the day, there's no such thing as bad publicity. I find it hard to believe a group as storied as Microsoft would find it within themselves to make a moronic decision of this gigantic a proportion, but they'll get people talking about it over the PS4 till all the specs are on the table.
That's so good. That song is so bad, it almost sounds like it's being controlled by the Power Glove.
That's the most existential thing I've heard in days, even after the ending.
Like the American Gladiators of my digital dreams.
Done 18 times over.
I have no freaking idea why they don't actually make commercials like that. My God — I'd buy everything.
So — prequel to Bioshock Infinite? Yes, please!
War. War never changes.
The Legend of Zelda: The Magic Flute of Coins.
My God. That was really good. That definitely was worth 31:41 of my time.
A? B? Right trigger? I smell XBLA.