
They're working on it. It's called Manhunt 3: Quest of the Laden.

Jesus H that's some serious wubby wubba attached to that wub wub wub. For a minute there, I thought I was doing it wrong, then I realized I was just wubbing it incorrectly.

Props to her for that trek, but she probably got seriously raged on by her dad during that 13 hour drive back home.

It's even better knowing badass-ness like that lives in Atlanta. I immediately think of the Chariot and Douglasville and all kinds of angry happiness. ShaZAM!

Super, ultra, incredibly agreed.

I get a lot of good feelings from all this art. That's a talented sir, right there.

Defense of the assassin's?

That video just made my mind explode in all sorts of wonderful, epic ways. I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the music + "sniper life."

God. All of this is so good.

They weren't playing around with those buttons. No sir.

Well hot diggity damn — that was well done, totally sweet. Kudos, indeed, to the badass couple and equally badass Bethesda. I freaking love when game companies do these kinds of things for their followers, no Fallout pun intended, and I fackin' love me some Fallout.

Mmm. The ridiculousness of that conversation? Shit's tough to forget. Tough — to — forget.

He does have a convincing voice. Is it ever fair to say American accent? We all sound like derivative versions of others' languages. Maybe they should change it to "hodgepodge."

Heyyyyy! What's the world without a bad pun or eight? Nothing, that's what.

I know it. Was just making a point — I guess I could have used Hugh Laurie, but I didn't think of him at the time.

Yeah. I get a bee in my damn bonnet when people like Hugh Jackman try to fake American accents too. You ever seen Real Steel? Makes me want to throw up — thinking he's American and all.

Fucking love some Pringles.

My GOD, well played. Jesus. It's a new damn day!

I like to imagine that's Pee-wee Herman's unofficial bar anthem.

Photoshop the watermark — you'll feel right as rain about using it.