
It had a really great spirit. That seems vague, but for what it was trying to accomplish, it nailed it. It feels like bottom-of-the-world, post-apocalyptic Russia with legitimately possible homemade weaponry. I suggested it to everyone, and with the new one coming out, I've been suggesting it even more.

Most frightening Youtube poop ever.

LOL WTFBBQ FTW compound bow? Crysis 3? That's a bit confusing.

Damn, you SO right!

I love when they use a lot of description in the achievement names. For instance, "Something Wicked This Way Comes" is given by getting seven kills while "jumping from the rickety boat."

Just one of them days — just one of them days.


I thought the exact same thing!

Anybody else feel like writing that the top picture isn't Liara?

As long as this is even a minutia better than Far Cry 2's multiplayer, it'll be devastatingly better multiplayer. Far Cry 2's multiplayer was akin to being dragged by the ankles through a Warcraft 3 meat wagon.

Wait, wait — no. This is how it really is, seriously!

In a heartbeat. Totally buy that — to save the universe from the ending.

Can you imagine a mech-based Tribes, however? In my head, it's a beautiful symphony, mixing ridiculous power with impossible speed — plus weapons and some Michael Bay explosions.

To Taggart6: It ain't easy being cheesy.


My God. Krogan Vanguard? All of the Internets. All of them.

Ahhhhhhh don't forget to smoke the bong and watch in HD. Yes. Yes, this is what I do on my Friday nights. Gettin' dubbed.

Oh, looky! It's 40,000 more comments on Mass Effect 3 that are either idiotic, trite or made in homage to an existing comment made in a previous Kotaku article! Man — we get a little smarter each time, don't we?

Well, this pretty much closes up life for me. I've seen it all, and it's glorious. It's been fun, kids!

Yeah. That kind of close-minded attitude can only hurt the gaming community. People just have to realize that someone is going to mess with their product — that doesn't mean they failed. Most of the time they just want to turn it into its own universe. Now THAT's staying power.