I don't always listen to music, but when I do, I prefer it — decent.
I don't always listen to music, but when I do, I prefer it — decent.
Probably the best commercial for a video game I've seen. If other games would emulate exactly what my eyes were just assaulted with, with other emotions, our community would be a better place.
That's because Capcom understood the idea and importance of gamer nostalgia — that and pogocanes.
This? No. No, not this. Not 75 percent of this, ever. I will admit, however, that "Morrowind" word sitting quaintly between Final Fantasy V and STALKER seems a bit out of place for this conversation.
Well played. But I think it's Darkness 2.
I find the "Oh you. I feel like patting you on the head" remark incredibly condescending. It's true — everyone has an opinion, but blatant remarks on someone's intelligence due to their choice in gaming is underhanded and juvenile. God.
Indeed. It would be an even bigger feat. Skyrim's large enough as is. I can't, in good conscience, heartily complain about that game. As many bugs as it might have, glitches, voice acting problems, blah, blah, blah, just the creation of the world itself was a bit of magic.
As much as I love Skyrim, I completely agree. All the characters blend, unlike some in Fallout 3, what with the mutants and all.
This dude is the worst, brah. I mean, brah, the worst. Evar. Brah, no — seriously, brah. The worst person ever created. Honestly, the worst person ever created.
This is one of the best comments I've ever seen. Congratulations, sir. Something about imagining a very distraught Mega Man holding his hands to the sky, screaming in protest.
Who wouldn't be attempting to attack WoW in the first place? It's like you're making a stew, and players are your ingredients. You see WoW sitting pretty in the corner with a cauldron full of some sweet veggies and some rabbit or horse or cow, whatever meat. It's smelling pretty good and there's tons to go around.…
Super awesome. BUT WHO HAS THE TIME TO DO THIS?!? For chrissake, it's the Christmas season. I barely have time to take a dump these days.
Is it so wrong to ask for a Zelda game where you can legitimately lop off someone's skull case? Gannon's got it coming.
Well played. Well played, indeed.
"In conclusion, I feel like a lot of these criticisms are beyond trivial."