
Dead Wife
Turns out to be shockingly alive in…

The joker / villains in general
I have always felt that for a villain to be compelling, particularly an actor's portrayal of a villain, you needed to see them on the whole emotional scale: sometimes up, sometimes down, sometimes worn out, etc.

Everyone who subsequently asks in this thread was put up by me and don't really mean it.

@Firstie Patrol

I don't begrudge him, but I was referring to a number of comic writers in interviews I've read who have said that a lot of young talent is basically designing their work to make it easy to option and are doing anything they can to make it so. Kirkman is a really outspoken and usually very succinct and clear speaker.

er 'are now considering'
- apologies

Safety Dance
It seems that Kirkman, though a man of charm, integrity and wit (as evidenced by his letters pages in his comics) is doing his damnedest to not blow the sweet TV deal he's gotten for his major property.

D) Have you ever killed a man?

8) Do you consider yourself more a) wild or b)crazy?

I'm just excited for the movie version of Canadian TV show 'Reboot'.

Unappreciated little gem, I thought. Never really found an audience.

Er- BET a shiny silver dollar
I don't want to be a shiny silver dollar. I went as that last year.

Willing to be a shiny silver dollar
There ends up being some 'Darkside of the moon' reference in there somewhere.

You're welcome!

You post like… something confusing.

Kudos for your restraint Deformed. You're a model to us all.

Agreed Sommalian, I really liked the book but….

Um… on further search there are a lot more following that. So I guess just 'read with caution' in general.

