
Thank you! I came here to say this, but you did it first and very well. If an actor is truly gifted, you don’t need to check boxes. They become the part. We just don’t have as many truly talented actors nowadays. Prima donnas sure, plenty of those.

I’ll grant you that if you grant that fiscal conservatives and social  conservatives are definitely not the same thing.

That was the first question that came to my mind. I love those fascinating creatures for what they are, but how will they create one as a movie character. It does not translate well to live action. Or maybe I have no imagination.

We are the only form of life. Life only evolves like we Earthlings do. pfft. /s

Yes, along with Chris Hardwick. He will be deconstructing the movie after also.

Evidently not Wegmans. They had them, and then buckled to Big Cookie. I now know why. 

Evidently not Wegmans. They had them, and then buckled to Big Cookie. I now know why. 

Blasphemy! My ex-husband preferred Oreos. I preferred Hydrox. You do the math.

Godamnit! Wegman’s had Hydrox, then stopped. No explanation. Now I know. Fuck Wegman’s, fuck Oreo. I will take up a picket sign if I must and fight this fight till my last breath. Also, for coffee syrup, because I am from Rhode Island.

Way to shoehorn Trump into the conversation. Can we just not.

Elba is sexy as hell, (really, don’t get me started) but play someone 35? I am giggling at the thought. He, and we, should embrace that age and not try to play it down.

The filming was more than a little off, my friend. I didn’t see clothes/skin/entrails flapping in the wind as they would damn well be! Do the special effects people not walk on on windy day ever? What I did see was where the cable that was digitally erased was pulling the stunt-people away was attached and ham-handedly

Any Siamese is tops of my list. They are the best of all the wonderful cats.

You’ve seen all the crap on Youtube, correct? I mean, insane is just not a reason to keep one off Youtube.

I believe fascism starts when you deny people the ability to express their views. Censorship is fascism. Denying people employment is based on past or present views is too. I don’t like Alex Jones. I don’t like Sarah Jeong. James Gunn’s jokes made me feel, as a parent, as a woman, creeped out as hell. But they have

You are perfectly entitled to voice your opinion on a discussion board without recrimination.

I’m glad you felt that way toward Anduin. I am still ambivalent and have held Varian at my alt’s garrison (he has a quest to give me) because I miss him so. I don’t like blond men. #notmyking

Now I’m really crying, you beast!

Wow, that is MLK’s dream come true. Oh wait, it is just what he did not want.

The responses to your question elucidate exactly how the Russians won in dividing us so effectively. Race, party lines, gender. I really don’t think the backlash against you is warranted. Civil discourse is truly dead.