I keep hitting the star button, but can’t give your reply the 100 stars it deserves.
I keep hitting the star button, but can’t give your reply the 100 stars it deserves.
Holy kit! Me too. Is that some weird optical illusion?
Thank you! I’m laughing my coffee all over my screen, but thank you.
Not one ghost in the greater Boston area? I cry foul!
Wow. You have summed it up more beautifully than I ever could have. I raise a cup of cocoa to you on that cold winter day, sir or madam.
I was going to mention that also. Their color changing is based on emotion and temperature, if I am not mistaken. Like Ze Frank said, they will only blend with a sad clown convention.
Damned dirty hippies...
I’m starting a nice pot of stone soup if anyone wants to buy in.
I am guessing, and maybe hoping a bit, that you won’t be doing the Monday evening synopsis of the show then? Perhaps it is time you pass that torch to someone who is a bit less jaded and negative.
Well, damn. We’ve been there just a short time and started Enceladus melting.
“When Alan Rickman saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more
worldswords to conquer.”
Now that is the hell of it. I hadn’t even heard the new of Angus Scrimm. No news burbs, nothing.
I hate waking up in the morning, turning on the news, and immediately crying. Mr. Rickman was an amazing actor. His voice and the pacing of the lines he delivered were smooth, sexy, and at times scary. I always looked forward to anything with him in it.
*Passes a bottle of Clairol*
Will, I don’t disagree with what you’re saying, but leave economics majors out of this. My daughter graduated with a math/economics degree and her whole job (bless her heart) is studying trends, charts, and predicting outcomes in ways I could not ever comprehend.
Yes, yes, and ohmygod YES!
The rabies thing is a myth. You are far more likely to get in from any other type of mammal. The domestic dog has the highest chance of inflicting the rabid bite.
In the Northeast, we lost a big part of our bat population to White Nose fungus. I miss every one of those bats sorely every time I get stung by one of the truly scary blood-suckers: mosquitoes.
Shut your mouth. **cries into her coffee**