Thank you for your continued support of Deadspin. Keep things a bit offbeat this weekend.
Thank you for your continued support of Deadspin. Keep things a bit offbeat this weekend.
Have the Cardinals lost a game today? Doesn’t even need to be baseball. Checkers? Twister? Solitaire?
What in the world does “I am a foremost civil rights activist” mean?
Counterpoint: No f***ing way.
I think this was more of a planned murder. The car accident was the easiest way to set it up. Probably why he stayed around. Guy knew what he was doing.
Hi. Philly is the best. That is all. I proudly gave it my only 10.
You know how I knew NYC would be at the top of the list? Because people who live there take every opportunity to talk about how it’s the best city, like they all have an inferiority complex. It’s like listening to Trump keep insisting that his hands aren’t small.
That's gotta be a mistake. The only thing Oakland is top 4 in is the AFC West. And that's only because they can't get any lower.
Having lived in Los Angeles, Philly and Pittsburgh, I can’t believe the last two could ever score below LA. I admit I’m an east coast kind of person (though I love Yosemite!), but even so, living in Hollywood and North Hollywood sucked the will to live right out of my soul.
That’s some shit-ass news. Sloan is a fantastic coach. Too bad Deron Williams is such a little bitch or Sloan would probably still be coaching the Jazz.
Longtime Utah Jazz coach Jerry Sloan opened up to the Salt Lake Tribune today and revealed that he was suffering…
Dammit England, the lord gave you bread and French fries and all you can think to put on it is butter?
please let this be a series where you update us every time they lose a game.
African movie companies can create more realistic computer effects. They have far less money but suceed because they actually give a shit.
SCHEFTER: Because I had my spine & testicles surgically removed when I signed on at ESPN, I am just a corporate yes man, pay no attention to me.
By now you know that Greg Hardy sat down for a VERY SERIOUS conversation with ESPN this week and turded up the joint…
but I could have done better. I should have done better.