VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

YouTube comments make Kinja comments look like The Iliad. 

People need to stop hair-shaming.

She still does, too. I think she just likes “Bowflex” now. 

I will call this a Bowflex from now on.  Thanks mom.

There are workarounds to seeing a HUD image with polarized sunglasses now! Lincoln uses a technology called Digital Light Projection (DLP) in their HUDs that allows for a far brighter image, and also gives the light visible to the driver a different polarization angle that is less affected by the use of the polarized

I’m still convinced you could get by with just two warning lights.

Torchinsky’s law of vehicle enthusiasm strikes again! No matter what the car, there is always someone who loves it and sticks up for it. Glad you like your Crosstour, my friend. Continue to enjoy it! 

If you have been around cars for any length of time, and don’t have a love/hate relationship with them, I’m not sure you can really claim any Jalop heritage.

I’ve found that a variant, “Because I pay the bills around here” generally works, though like the Philly Special, you can’t run it on every down.

I will note that the plural of anecdote is not data”

“I will note that the plural of anecdote is not data”

Thankfully, it looks like both.  The game defaults to spoken Japanese with subs, but there is an English dub option

Don’t you wonder what anime art will look like in 2030

Another example of someone thinking money spent on modifying their vehicle equals equivalent increase in value. It does not.