VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

It's sort of telling that the best comparison for a 2014 Chevy is a 2000 BMW.

So Mutant Alien Private Corporative Governments Jerks screw it all up...with better tech

And WAR, WAR, WAR, WAR, WAR and WAR!! In land, space, time and dimensions.


True story. Here's one currently for sale in OKC.

Can't you read?? Sebastian Bach . Now he's going to be late to the show. These tickets are now worthless.

Because no one voted for them.

Tavarish has now found a way to crowd-source his otherwise full day of browsing eBay, Autotrader and Craigslist. Brilliant, and he can capitalize on the flipping of said cars.

This is why we can't have nice things.

I'm trying to think of something intelligent to say by way of a reply to the fact-vacuum you just shat from your mouth.

I'd say World War Z might deserve a place on the list:

It's been a while for me but I had a dark period on my license too. I never lost it but I always seemed to have points. I was in court once (after becoming an attorney) and decided to fight one of my own tickets. The judge pulled my record out and let it unfurl like the centerfold in Playboy. "The 80s were not good to

Who else can say they drive a road legal Group C Porsche prototype that one Le Mans three times?

I normally don't like telling people on the internet how wrong they are and that their opinion is shit...

*opens the passenger door to find a 240 in the glovebox*



Congratulations, GM. You managed to squeeze out slightly more mileage in full EV mode. Whoopie.

The UNIX geek in me says they should've labelled it S#! — pronounced "she-bang".

At first you sit and you wonder what they're for, like half the buttons in cars nowadays even though they all do the same thing but every manufacturer insists on their own button-naming scheme because each and every brand is a pretty pretty princess, all very special and everything. One button says S/I, the other says

Scalzi had the main character of "Redshirts" wondering about both the "No Seatbelts" and "Bridge Consoles That Constantly Blow Up" issues. On the seatbelt issue, it wasn't a question of "why are there no seatbelts" as it was, "Why aren't there any inertial dampening systems on the bridge of the most technologically

Let's get real: neither of those things are in danger of happening any time soon. Publishers run on money, and they make the most money in the holiday season. We all love video games, and to not buy the big video games we so often want to play is a pretty drastic step.