VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

They are unaware that their input is not as original as they think. 

My reasoning behind this is that responsibility develops last in the brain as they reach adulthood.

I have a few thoughts on this.

Juzuo the drunkard dropped my unseen aid percentage to 12%. That's the last boss I beat.

Not at that skill level yet, nor am I at mid-range bosses. I’m still very much struggling with the earlier ones. 

That sounds great, but I just looked it up and it’s for a skill tree I don’t have yet, as I am still struggling with the early bosses. I’m already holding block when I can, but I still get a hit a lot.

I’ve been going back to Hanbei regularly. His applied training is effective, but only teaches one real pattern which I have down now. I go back and fight him occasionally anyway, but it’s the variable dynamism of the bosses that I am now struggling with. 

The main problem with failing deflect to blocking is that your posture takes a huge hit which affects how boss fights play out. I’d rather time this right but I can’t tell if it’s me or the hardware that’s making it tough for me. 

The deflection timing is what frustrates me the most right now. I was never that good at parrying in Souls no matter how much I practiced it - with a ton of repetition I managed to figure it out mostly for 1 and somewhat for 2 and 3.

By all means, it’s not originally mine but I think it bears repeating occasionally. 

I got a good deal on a manual c7 because the dealer was struggling to sell it. Most of the people in that demographic I see sharing what they bought seem to have gone for the auto. C'est la vie. I will note that the plural of anecdote is not data but I'm almost certain the sales numbers would back me up. 

Interesting. I know that Dark Souls dialogue was all recorded in English and subtitled out for Japan. Is this whole game going to be in Japanese and subtitled for English speakers?

I’d rather watch Branagh’s Orient Express another ten times through than sit through another Malkovich Poirot.

The way I would describe it is the feeling of being perpetually out of control, and your brain can’t reconcile how fast things are happening around you. Imagine having to manually steer your way through one of those big modern superfast roller coasters.

Considering the bang up job they did with Google Fiber in the towns that actually managed to bid for it, I can only see this working out in the same half assed way, where certain places with lots of money for good data gets to enjoy it, and other less accessible places basically shrug their shoulders and go back to

I was told by a Realtor for the Phoenix are that if your house is worth below 200k, the pool deflates the value, and above 200k, it inflates it, as long as it’s in good nick. 

I thought my 91 NSX would have been my forever car. I loved that thing to literally its death only to find replacing it was not feasible due to their skyrocketing prices. But it was mine and I loved it while I had it.

Tbh I do feel a bit better after reading this

Just... let me do all of these things. I want to do them all. I’ll do it. I’ll do it right now. I’ll fucking eat Boiardi forever. I’ll tweet anything. I’m thirsty AS FUCK to get this done. Just call me pasta gimp and point me to the keyboard. 

They should give those guys an easy out and put a secondary engine hood release latch in the frunk.