VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

Seriously all these suggestions are viewing gold.

I second this. We definitely need Foodlopnik. Tracklopfood? Foodtracknik.

The quality of forums seems to be directly correlative to make and model of car applied to said forums. Car stereotypes exist for a reason.

If they compromise and wind up on clutch replacement only, I think the owner could walk away without feeling cheated. Clutches that can tolerate torque from a 5.0 V8 are not the cheapest in the world, and it’s clear that the joyriders messed it up somewhat. I agree that brakes and tires would be debatable. 

What’s the weirdest thing that’ll fit in those saddlebags? 

This one kept coming around my internet viewing habits for a while back in the day. (Yes I know it’s a photoshop) 

The only way to salvage this movie is not to embrace B movie cheese or Pixar esque cheeky one liners and predictable heartwarming plots.

I am, frankly, rapt with interest to see how it turns out. Thanks for responding - I’ll definitely check it out next week. 

Yeah, exactly. That sounds pretty simple for a low volume or niche maker to do.

You can get touch screen sensitive gloves, but they’re not very warm due to the tradeoff. 

Software engineering timelines won’t be much of a factor in the scope of choosing a hard button over a touch screen. The code for touch screens and interfaces already exist, just like engineering plans for physical buttons already exist. At a high level, I’m betting they’re going to go on cost/ease of

I’m betting that touch screen controls are cheaper to build and deploy at scale nowadays, since that’s just one less mechanical part to engineer directly. 

I wonder what it would be like to block Apple, Google, Microsoft, and all popular social media platforms at once?

I don’t know how the A11 is paved, but they’re probably also fucking up the road asphalt they’re driving on.

I believe it. For all roads, I think the ideal attitude is chill and control. I’m not exactly innocent of speeding, but I try to avoid roping in others into anything I do. 

Poor Dr Hedgehog

It always blows my mind that people can be done by an entire career by 30, as my career was just getting started then. I’m interested to see what she does next; I do hope it’s instruction or some other communally beneficial thing.

My life is considerably less stressful by adjusting my behaviour to avoid, pass, or bypass these people on the road instead of following them.

He’s taking one last business trip, but it doesn’t seem clear when he’ll be back.