VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

You forgot “Buy an extra controller when you break the first one out of frustration”

Huh. I didn’t think at first there would be overlap between Homestarrunner and Jalops, but in retrospect that actually seems plausible.

Oh, hey, good catch. I thought the Bolt was a tall 5 door affair like a fatter Fit. 

I would seriously consider buying a car/truck called the Dolt.

The Volt’s going away, but the Bolt is still around.

It doesn’t matter whether its FWD or not; don’t put worn tires on the back with sticky tires on the front to instigate tail out shenanigans unless you are genuinely ready. 

Videogamedunkey has ruined the term “passion” for me due to his Assassin’s Creed reviews.

The thing is, I bet if someone picked on them for having some physical characteristic that they have, like red hair or something, and they got a ton of messages telling them to kill themselves, they’d be the first ones crying foul.
edit: i love red hair so I obviously wouldn’t do that

The NSX became cooler than I’d ever thought it would be. It was amazingly cool for a few years but I loved it even during the 04-05 timeframe when other exotics were surpassing it in leaps and bounds.

For some brands, the CPO warranty is pretty nice. If it’s worth the markup to get that extra year or so of warranty, it might be worth consideration. That being said independent inspections should still be priority one. 

I bought a steam controller but I struggle to use it. Do you have any tips on getting better with it? My hands are not very big, and controlling the analog pads for directional use in games was a struggle for me. 

While your point still stands regardless of what I am saying now, every time I’ve seen an ad for 0% loan the fine print indicates that it’s a 0.9% loan in reality. The interest comes out to a pittance compared to average rate, and it’s on some level free as it’s below inflation, but it’s not technically 100% free.

I happened to be on a Subie lot and I saw the tS in person and I think I get it now. Looks great, bet it drives great too. 

I do all this on flat ground, too. The ability to control my velocity change with a quicker reaction time allow me to deal with traffic more efficiently. Not always about 0-60 either, sometimes, you need to do 30-70-50-60 in a nimble amount of time. 

Loeb is supernatural and always has been. It doesn’t even seem to matter what car he drives. It makes me wonder what he was like as a gymnast in the early days, as that typically also requires precision and very quick moves.

I’ve been following the thread and while I agree about 90% with you overall, apologies on kinja commenting threads are too few and far in between, and I starred you just for remaining civil.

What I still call Kerbal

If that car were a cheap microtransaction in Fallout 76 I would seriously consider getting it.

Now playing

“On a lonely planet spinning its way toward damnation amid the fear and despair of a broken human race, who is left to fight for all that is good and pure and gets you smashed for under a fiver? Yes, it’s the surprising adventures of me, Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar!”

Did you eventually manage to locate a SS for the client that would do a PPI? I am hoping this story had a happy ending for all parties involved.