VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely
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Can Jalopnik just start a series of posts called “Look at this ______ ?

Classic Naga-sama

Honestly the high point with these compilation accounts has been the ohohojousama account for me. Nothing else comes close to topping that.

I stand corrected. 

So, it’ll come back as one of these

Now, this is some what tongue in cheek as I see plenty of decent comments below, but: 

Harrison, you can do one better than this contraption and just build a standing desk out of stacking spare amazon shipping boxes which now EVERYONE has. This one doesn’t even adjust.

I bought a game recently on recommendation from a friend. Installed it, promised to play it, tell him about it. Forgot it promptly. Been a few months, now, not sure if I’ll ever play it. 

I screenshot and then bring the paper one anyway, as it is much easier to manage a piece of paper than fumbling around with your phone to get the photo back after waiting to board for 30 minutes.

Um, it’s kind of hot here right now, though. Actually, we’re going through a cool spell.

I am genuinely curious - will you teach her about flow of traffic? 

I was gonna get new headers and exhaust but nevermind, I’ll just do this instead. One year and counting.... I’ll let you know how it goes. 

My local city, Chandler, has actually gotten budgetary exemptions as our revenue level is higher than the state regulated budget level. Some of that extra funding has gotten back to our local roads and we see regular roadworks construction as a result.

I think so too. But since they all have tons of cameras, and even basic dash cams have motion sensors, I am thinking that the ones that try will show up nicely on a camera, where they can eventually be sorry for being caught.

People are already attempting to troll them by doing risky things in front of them to see how they will react. They are literally picking a fight with these cars to see if they will take a protective measure. People are dicks. 

Ok, I’ll say it. I live right next to a popular place for Waymo to test. And these things are slow, plodding, and careful. You know, like you’re legally supposed to drive. It’s sometimes annoying, the testers never wave hi (maybe that’s as good thing) and they tend to flutter brake since the computer reaction time is

Nah, I’m a pretty crap DS player, and only in the last year or so was able to beat any of them. I died to Bracelet Bones probably about 3-4 times before I could get it down. And probably died to Judge Gundy about 12 times or so before I beat him.

My kid is 13 now, but he was telling me at age 8 about kids in his class playing the latest Call of Duty and other M rated shooters. I let him try Dark Souls 1 at 11 but he didn’t really get very far, just enjoyed the hack and slash but died repeatedly to the first few bad guys.

Yeah, the modern issue was oil burn. I don’t know why I said leak. 

Very true. Very true.