VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

Also, you NEVER turn your back on family!

I remember how Jackie Chan said that he never got most of the jokes in the Rush Hour series despite how incredibly popular it was in the States, so this makes some sense in general. 

This was a long time ago - and no idea if this applies to your state, but in theory if they were abandoned for 3 weeks or something you could go file some paperwork, pay a $300 salvage fee, and it would be yours. But I never tried it, $300 was an exorbitant amount of money that I never had. 

Yaah? Yaah.

Or Banyanya

I presume most people considering this car probably have enough money to render an extra million moot. I imagine fleets of cars, obsessive collectors, net worth well in to the 9-10 digit range. I heard about kids in college whose parents were wealthy enough that they’d buy Mercs for the school year and then ditch them

It’s a Japanese banana. Honestly, I prefer the white, but I’m sure someone enjoys this. 

I may have made a similar error, as I was trying to be brief and not argue. If you’ve ever tracked the inflation rates of money from olden days, that number goes higher quicker than you might think. But your grandpa still has a baller of a vehicle. I don’t blame him for asking the price that he is, it’s a clever way

According to this, $2300 in 1962 is equivalent to $18,900 now. Which is still less than the $1000 a year of his asking price. 

I remember when there were some hypothetical flight games with the YF-23 and I thought the design looked super cool. I remember that plane for shure, even if there were no real specs for it in the games I played with it. 

Didn’t someone make the argument that dollar to HP is worthless without factoring in weight/mass? 

I’ve never not wanted to be a fighter pilot. The F-16 was my top pick for preferred plane until the F-22 came out.

My eyes are shit and I haven’t run a 7 minute mile since I was 17. But I don’t get vertigo from upside down flight or corkscrews and have handled up to what I was told was 6Gs.  Been playing flight and

My phone gets really hot and I live in AZ, so I kind of like the cold air blowing over it all the time. Quad core CPUs running full steam in an area the size of a credit card? Who knew.... 

Fair enough. Although if it could be controlled via player control instead of randomly/regularly happening, for that Ejecto-Seato Cuz feel, that would be pretty ok for me.

  • Fixed an issue where players would be jettisoned into space after warping aboard another player’s freighter

Bean counters also see slow manual sales. 

Conversations evolve from something else, just because a day might pass or 3 doesn’t mean the first response wasn’t made out of a angry reaction.

Im sure you expect some kind of angry vitriol. I like having conversations and I’m curious where this convo will go. I wonder what you’ll come up with next. Who else do you think is upset?

I already said they probably wouldn’t deal with it unless there was a medical reason to do so. You know Federation starships have bathrooms, right? Does it make the whole thing implausible because they don’t remove pee? And not only that, you’re basically saying a science fiction show where they regularly defy the

If that is what passes for upset in your world you must think many people are angry at you.