VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

I’m sure this is a joke on your part, but I’m struggling to wrestle with what level of joke this is operating on. Please help.

I swear, they’re going to use the X one. I’ll eat my hat if they don’t.

Sorry, I’m not sure what F means. Do you mean first class too? And yeah, American First class isn’t exactly brilliant, but it’s unbelievably better than coach in all ways.

Bless you isn’t offensive to me at all. You can, in fact, criticize something as making little sense without any indication of offense. It’s not exactly the rudest thing in the world to say “bless you” to someone else when they sneeze, is it?

Maybe we should be screaming bless you all the time to each other all day. That Stan guy is EVERYWHERE.

I’m glad you agree.

Interesting comment. Since you intruded with a loud sound, you could just say excuse me and go back to it, though. Do you require affirmation that you were properly excused in return?

Interesting comment. Since you intruded with a loud sound, you could just say excuse me and go back to it, though. Do you require affirmation that you were properly excused in return?

I flew first class on a short flight once and I loved it so much I grew to be obsessed with the idea. And now I pine for it like one would pine for the fjords. When I can’t afford it I seriously debate taking the trip by car.

I might just do that. That’s equally valid for me.

What is it about saying “bless you” after sneezing makes it a nicety? Is the sneezer damned to hell forever if nobody says it? All it does is tell other people around you how ‘polite’ you are for identifying the sneezer. What exactly is so courteous about it?

Why exactly would a sneeze make you go to hell, unless you were already a sinner by another definition and the sneeze killed you? Do demons pull you through the ground if you sneeze and no one reacts? And how is the person standing next to you blessing you supposed to change that? Are they sin eaters if sneezing is

I’m all for manners when they make sense. Saying “bless you” to someone who is sneezing does nothing for them at all. At least holding the door open for someone saves them the trouble when entering. What good are you actually doing? How are you helping these people by saying “Bless you?” Did the sneeze suddenly affect

As an Asian living in America, watching people say Bless you repeatedly to anyone who sneezes has always perplexed me.

Why don’t they just make a super-performance version of the i8, call it the M8, build a dozen or so, charge $800k and laugh all the way to the bank?

I was looking for this. Thank you.

All of them.

Seems like the Steel Battalion controller would be a solid sales win on ebay, though.

I really like this car, but gone are the days where NSX prices for something like this would be in the 30's. I’ll get one back eventually.

WRC. C’mon, Jenson. Kimi did it.