VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

mmmmm. debating on selling the house.

The TSA pre-check was worth it as I make regular trips into the HQ office from another state. It was like 90 bucks for 5 years for me. It was worth it, even if it felt a little like protection money.

I hope at some point it comes back and becomes a reality. A YF-12 would be something indeed.

So, this is what I wind up doing in Kerbal Space Program. Can we make the wings bigger and add more max thrust with more area for air intake/compression to reduce stall risk?

I’m already married but she sounds like a keeper!

Turns out you can be informed and intelligent, but still not use wisdom in your day to day decisions. Here is the thing - he had the opportunity but not the motive - and if you total up all the people making bad decisions on cars, I bet the bell curve won’t fatten out with the mathematicians.

“You have to start with hello!” - James May - Which I would, back in the day.

This has a ring of truth! I don’t even own one anymore, and I do miss it. But I’m planning to get back into the game at some point. Of course, there’s always that 150k mi NA1 Miata on sale at CL...

As an aside I totally would just to say I did. Bet she knows... stuff.

If one of the wheels slips on a loose surface that wasn’t visible you won’t immediately collide your shoulder with the ground?

When I learned how to drive stick it wasn’t because I was given a choice. I got my license, and the only car available to me was with a stick. It was learn or walk. Glad to see I’m not the only one who stepped up to the plate to take a crack at it because of need. Good on you for doing so.

A lot of those stats are based around MSRP, the average of which has been climbing for years. Keep in mind that 25k in 1990 is about 45k now the last time I checked inflation numbers. Doing it in reverse, 35k would be 18k for back then.

Maybe the solution is not to encourage people to want more than they can afford.

People hate math. Outside of my local circle of ne’er-do-wells who can actually conceptualize what it means to subtract 300 from 600, I get a lot of “man fuck all that math stuff” or “I was told there would be no math” and things like that. Adults counting on their fingers. People who can’t, for example, differentiate

Cars also when distracted tend to stray off the road into pedestrian space, and red light runners abound. An inattentive car can plow right through an intersection and collide with a pedestrian crossing after looking both ways and getting the walk light. Have you tried dodging a car that’s not at 100% attention?

Hi Feddy! I like your videos, and aspire to wrench and write. But these computers won’t stop breaking!

She’s not sorry she did it, she’s sorry she got caught.

Now playing

The only definition of ‘strength’ I care about on a day to day basis is whether my burger has strength.

Excuse me, but I believe his name is spelled de vars.

I know I’ve grumbled more than once “This road would be so awesome if there weren’t any cars on it.”