
Not if the truth about those tax returns comes out.

i am such a sucker. i hate fight song, and i hate “america is the greatest country in the world!!!!!!!!!” stuff, but at the DNC i EAT THAT SHIT UP AND LOVE IT!!!!!!!! (also the olympics lol)

Man, I’ve always switched the station when “Fight Song” comes on the radio, but I finally watched that video they made today and I was tearing up and goosebumping like crazy at my desk.

This woman is adorably bananas and I love her. I wish there were more people with her spirit.

Isn’t it?

See Don, this is a “IT WAS JUST A JOKE” moment. It’s not inviting a foreign power to hack your political opponent.

typical ambush journalism by the vile lib media smdh

I know they have speech writers, I get that in the current world they need them, but nothing will ever convince that they don’t have a hand in every single thing they say. I literally see it as Michelle and Barack being like “No that’s too tame, I want to hit them where it hurts” or “Trust me I don’t need to name

New phone who dis?

How many times today do you think Barack and Michelle just looked at each other, burst out laughing, and high-fived? I’m going with 20 as a minimum.

I refuse to believe that anyone actually buys this shit. I can’t accept a reality in which people affix pewter charms to their towels.

I hope the woman finds out and sues the ever loving crap out of her.

I don’t know her.

Trump is literally incapable of taking criticism. And I don’t use literally figurative, I use it literally. As far as I know there is not a single incident on record where someone criticized him and he responded with anything other than a personal insult in response.

Fantastic post and fantastic series.

The answer is, yes there are.

What change in the system is Bernie promoting now? I confess I am confused.

Is it greater democratic accountability in the nominating process? Because Hillary has more votes than he does. A lot more votes.

Is it elimination of superdelegates? Because right now the only way Bernie can win