Vainglorious Poop Weasel

It gives them cover and it also lets them play out their Madonna-whore problems. It isn’t just about the careful calculation the Weinsteins and Cosbys make about whether a particular mark is powerful enough to hit them back and should be avoided (Meryl, Glenn). It’s that they make a distinction in their minds between

You spelled “the trash” wrong.

Avatar fucking WISHES it was Fern Gully. Shit couldn’t carry Hexxus’ toxic jock strap.

I love this string of strong women characters. I often mention that I am the father of 3 daughters as it frames how I see the world and my job in it (I also have 1 son) and having strong women characters on the big and small screen, just like having strong women role models in their daily life (as athletes, doctors,

Don’t you know a man’s bare minimum is like a woman’s amazing?

Anytime a woman (or women!) do something great, some dude comes out of the woodwork screaming BUT I DID IT FIRST AND FIRST IS BETTER

If each of these 4 new Avatar movies come with a handful of psychedelic drugs, I will happily - nay, enthusiastically - watch them. If not, HARD PASS.

Many paraplegics are lying.

Ask any 16 year old. If you don’t post every single moment of every single day on Instagram and Snap Chat, it didn’t happen.

Here you go....

Because the pilots have balls so big they need a plane like that to carry them

I mean, Dean Cain... he’s right there. He’s even been recently on a vaguely related topical show...

I, for one, am still reeling from the cultural insensitivity of not casting an actual demon in the lead role of Hellboy himself.

I love the show and will still watch but I swear to God we better fucking finally end this alien shit. I mean it’s 2017 there are worse things in our government than hiding aliens. The show should really highlight that paranoia instead. I want a whole Comey knock off plot line. Just imagine how short Gillian will look

As someone who barely knows what The X-Files is, but was completely enthralled by Gillian Anderson’s performance in The Fall (i.e. the feminist crime show we’ve been wanting), the way this show is apparently being dominated by male perspectives is very sad to see. Gillian is a badass who deserves to showcase her full

Her being offered less than Duchovny for the revival blew the lid off any claims that women in Hollywood get paid less because they bring in less profit. X-Files is nothing without both Anderson and Duchovny. Just ask Robert Patrick.

Nah, you’re not a curmudgeon; I mean it’s Batman. Why does he have a big old gun and not a bat boomerang or some shit? (Which I concede miiight make it sillier, but come on, it’s a 50-year old man dressed like a bat)

I’ve decided that I will leave my husband for Gal, if she will leave hers too. Or he can come along. Whatever.

Kingston looks like my 16 year old when he was 6. All I can think of is the 10 years I have spent with my son so far and the years to come his parents will miss. I can barely read the article. No person deserves such an untimely end but...

This just makes me so fucking angry and sad. A cop - a shitty, murdering cop - can (presumably) justify to himself in the moment pulling his gun to protect his cowardly life when he thinks his life is in danger after being hopped up on racism and crime statistics. It’s an evil act and a breach of the public’s trust,