Vainglorious Poop Weasel

Lol honestly someone from the times when polio and measles is probably going to be more passionate about vaccinations than these suburban moms who have never had an actually sick kid and need to make up imaginary problems to occupy their time.

Ahem, I believe the term you’re looking for here is *alcoholic bloat*.

That’s a sexy bod?

I cheered at that bit.

There’s so many things wrong with this I don’t even know where to begin.

Because he has no jawline.


I cheat and drive two hours to the closest drive in.

Woohoo let’s celebrate the day your parents got laid! Also who wants a one year old that’s as mature as a ten year old (or whatever), that’s skipping all the good stuff.

I own that! Somewhere. Somewhere in my search of boxes I own that.

I’m actually getting a Roswell inspired tattoo tomorrow. I loved this show so much. It was greatness.


Starred because I couldn’t get very far in the reboot game because it was *too realistic* and wasn’t coming off at all like Tomb Raider for me. I’ll play Call of Duty if all I want to do is blow people up.

Meanwhile, over here:

Nah, people still think if you’re from Texas you rode horses to school. I got asked where my cowboy hat was when some friends and I were in Paris once. The myth pervades.

It’s really effing expensive, even with the slight possibility of getting reimbursed by the military for us, and if my husband wasn’t on leave, we would be leaving without him. We’re leaving our cats behind (I really don’t foresee our house being hit with anything worse than loss of electricity) with hopefully a

I would also like Wynonna coverage!

Same, lol.

Is there anything Karl Urban isn’t in, though?

Super late response, but yeah after the first few episodes it picks up a lot. Also I’m going to have to fight you on none of the Buffy characters being total jerks- Xander was a jerk from beginning to end.