Vaidas Sukauskas

And you don't think any of subsequent discussions, or basis for alliances based on the experience during this tribal council would become relevant? Then edit those out and make up other reasons, or also just show black screen?
We don't know how the rest of the game went for Zeke. Wouldn't it be strange to hear Zeke

Dude, you didn't answer his question.
Vote did not happen, Varner left. How was CBS supposed to edit the episode in a way that made any sense without that scene?
Do you even understand yourself what you wrote?

Lucy wasn't blunt or direct, she was issuing a threat. Do as I say or else… Otherwise i agree, Jessica was just terrible at reading the situation.

The last 5 min of 4th season finale has to be Brin and Page asking 100k for their new search engine or Joe reading "The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine"

Wasn't Carter the one who got a peace deal in the middle east?

Yeah, I don't like him either. It boggles my mind how someone so empathetic can be so oblivious to others. I hate causing harm, so will just join with Scott and Jason… And then wreck havoc in camp. And then betray, and once I have a little power, i will railroad everyone who disagrees with me… while not realizing

What was the music during Caleb evacuation? Does anybody know? It was very powerful a moving

Have you seen Breaking Bad?

Just shows that character is being developed competently. Why else would it illicit such strong emotions from you?

Yeah. you might be right. Writers probably deliberately disassociated Shaw from main mission to surprise us.

When Finch won against the machine in chess by sacrificing his queen, i believed machine was gonna surrender, first having concocted some plan to use her capture to destroy Samaritan. Shaw coming to rescue was a bit of Deus Ex.

Where there already a couple of seasons where participants were unwilling or refused to talk strategy. Werent they not that good?