
I missed that. But an explanation could be that after what happened to Emily he might be looking for an excuse for his behavior. (Oh, I was a robot. That has to mean I wasn’t responsible, or maybe even that I didn’t just kill my own daughter.)

Yeah probably because the old cherokee weighed only 3000lbs. Whereas the new wranglers are in the 4000s

...and like all Deadspin posts enjoying the misfortune  of Tom Brady, we asshole Patriots Fans get the last laugh, in slow motion.

The Patriots are really making this a bit too exciting for my heart by doing a confusing mixture of brilliant performances and stuff like this.

When the flooding subsides, all the gougers should be rounded up and placed in stocks in the middle of NRG stadium. Then the good people of Houston can jeer and throw rotting food at them. This can be broadcast to their eternal shame. Then they can go to jail and have their ill gotten gains seized.

There’s definitely a strong correlation there. But then it’s just as strong as the correlation between the F150 and the NASCAR crowd.

Anybody claiming that “this has zero relation to President Trump” is completely moronic. He CAMPAIGNED on hatred of minorities, and urged violence against protestors at his rallies. His victory is seen as a validation of bigoted viewpoints, so now all the violent racists are swarming out of the sewers.

That was exactly my thought. Or a realy elongated cloud of them kind of like a contrail from a jet. That way you have a little more redundantcy and the loss of one sprite won’t break the chain.

This gave me a serious nerd boner. IT’S STARTING, GUYS! This is how we need to reach other stars, first, and it’s really happening!

I had proposed a long time ago, something like this, but where you program each “satellite” to say a point every 1000 miles. So you would have like a rope of satellites reaching out as far as you want with as many of these as you can build and send out.

Then send out a big one once you find something that is