
You're thinking of Undone.

Matt Sharp was the "cool guy" in the band, but his influence was more unstated… I think Rivers likely wrote in part to impress him and used his reactions as his barometer to gauge what was acceptable. However, anything that musically set the band apart was sprung from Rivers brain solely. That includes the falsetto

It's completely the opposite. He has an exceptional musical mind, but is utterly bogged down in shitty attempts at writing generic pop. Pinkerton is a grossly immature record lyrically, but musically, it can be very sophisticated. Check out Across the Sea and Failing For You. Try to hear past the performance/words and

You're overlooking harmonic variability but yes, it's not a good album.

You're not wrong, but I think that comes down to Cuomo's intention to write broad songs for mass appeal. Funny enough, their most relatable albums are the ones where his writing was at its most personally.

That's just actually not true at all.