
There is a huge mental dissonance between publishers telling their stock holders that they “had the biggest year ever when it comes to profits”, and then turning around and telling customers that “costs for making games keep going up and prices never moved for years”

I dunno. I like That look tbh

Yeah I got the Halo plate as well. Thanks for clearing that up.

Sure but almost every major release has a required online connection, whether you play MP or not. It’s just weird that high visibility, first party MS games do not really work with QR, in addition to AC Valhalla not working with it 100% of the time. But other games I play on XSX like Civ 6, work just fine with QR becau

Really reinforces the warped 3 ring binder look they were going for.

Intent aside, reconnecting should happen within seconds of booting.

yeah I’d love if they did something like Dead Ops Arcade that you could unlock to play from the menu once you find it


Unfortunately for all the aspiring video game jugglers out there, however, Quick Resume has hardly lived up to the pre-release hype.

The fact that I can jump from a game of Forza to a quick run of Enter the Gungeon to a session of Lost Judgment I last played 4 weeks ago is maybe literally the best feature I have ever experienced in video games. What the fuck is this article even talking about.

I didn’t quite understand (and still don’t, frankly) needing to be able to jump in and out of five games at once

“Unfortunately for all the aspiring video game jugglers out there, however, Quick Resume has hardly lived up to the pre-release hype. “

Did they seriously launch halo as a single player? I dont think I have ever playef a campaign alone lol

Very interesting. I’ve always played through Halo campaigns on Heroic, then saved Legendary for the co-op playthrough. I might actually start this one on normal, especially considering the length of this campaign is reportedly 4-5x that of the longest previous Halo campaign. May as well not prolong that even more by

I like to play Halo and Gears campaigns in co-op mode with friends/family. We were pretty disappointed when we found out about the lack of a co-op mode in this game.

Just a story mode!

Wow these “journalists” really suck on how they post their stories...

Ever since they sunset a bunch of weapons in PVP I stopped playing PPV unless it was Iron Banner and in the last 4 months I haven’t even had the drive to do that.  PVP needs some major love.

Technology just made it easier to scalp. There’s sadly always been a market for it and always will be.

While I agree in most cases you can just “wait” or find a way to not buy from a scalper sometimes that isn’t possible.

For me personally, if there is an item I want but it’s only sold in a single market, (I am

I wont play games where it forces me to play with PC players, they always tend to hack and cheat.  Console only toggle needs added so PS, Xbox and Switch players can play together in any game with cross platform gaming.  Looking at you Fortnite.