So we’re really going to sit here and normalize paying extra for glorified resolution upgrades?
This is the first time I’ve seen FFXIII referred to as “stellar.” Even forum fanboys would have a hard time reaching for that superlative.
That is waaaaay more Rowan Atkinson than Jack Black
Thanks!! I refuse to click the slideshow button. Keep it up! Hopefully they knock this shit off one day.
It’s always a shame when these projects get the C&D hammer dropped on them, but really...You’re making something with the IP of a major corporation that has a long, and well known history of shutting down projects like this. Would it really be that bad to just suck it up, and make it play the same, with different…
People will be like “it’s not that hard to get one. You just have to constantly check 6 discord servers, follow 10 twitter accounts, have 3 phones and 4 computers and never sleep!”
All I want to do is to be able to walk into a physical or digital storefront and buy one for MSRP with no hassles. I know I’m asking for…
Curt did lose his ass on it. He invested something like 50 million. People don’t have to like him personally, but by all indications he took the studio very seriously and worked hard to get funding to keep the studio alive. I followed the story very closely back then and the governor really had no business making…
Fuck Curt Schilling though.
When Halo 3 launched, I beat it on legendary the same night in four player coop. It’s the beating heart of Halo.
There’s no guarantee or promise on campaign coop happening within three months, and I really shouldn’t have to wait, campaign coop has been a staple of this franchise since the first game, this is really shitty news.
You could always not comment
As far as me and my friends are concerned Halo is THE co-op shooter. Not having it at launch is a huge fumble. I’m generally optimistic on XBox and think they have done a lot of things correctly this gen, but how many times can they drop the ball on their flagship title? Get it together, MS!
I could care less about Force but not having the coop campaign at launch is a real bummer, me and my buddy have played every Halo campaign coop for our first run through, with the open-worldish nature of this one we were really looking forward to it.
Every street or neighborhood I’ve lived in has a self appointed mayor.
i noticed but it was nothing to freak out over. the cameo wasn’t special enough. she plays a dancer at a bar and got 2 seconds of screen time. at least have her do a twirl or something.
“Kotaku contacted Neon Giant but didn’t hear back before publication.”
This seems a little dressed up journalistically for an online blog. Publication is whenever Kotaku feels like uploading. That contact could have been 5 minutes before the button was pushed or 5 days. The reader has no idea, so what are you telling…