The show was pretty good until they ran out of book and none of the top notch actors could save the show.
The show was pretty good until they ran out of book and none of the top notch actors could save the show.
I’ve no idea if there is a story behind it. All I know is when she wasn’t Storm, the world’s X-Men’s fans cried out.
I liked the hawk era. I didn’t see it as a betrayal, as much as a sign of change. And a visual representation early on that X-men got to be more than just one note superheroes who could go through complex change. Given that she picked that look up after palling around with Yukio in Tokyo, and going on what can only…
A Chinese holding company (TenCent) owns a minority stake in the company while Tim Sweeney himself owns the majority of the company (more than 50%).
You can also get the Amazon appstore. Google also allows you to install apks completely outside of any app store, which Apple does not.
I bought a 1440p UW for my pc 2 years because the hardware wasn’t there yet for 4k60+. It still isn't.
This is a relief to hear. I’ll take the smoother, sexier 60 FPS over a glossy 30fps any day.
The One X did supersampling and so did my PS4 Pro. I didn’t have a 4K set yet and I used them on my old 2012 1080p tv and it did wonders.
Who/What the hell is Supreme?
Wish I had taken your advice before I clicked this article...
I just assumed with the staged photos this was obvious?
Jesus, do people actually listen to this trash? I understand the appeal of finding a niche as a performer but holy Hell that’s not the right one, dude.
Yuuuuup, I had the threaten to send patients away for not adhering to the mask rule and we’ve let a few patients go for flat refusing to listen (out patient clinic btw). The fact that some people in America call wearing a mask a form of oppression speaks volumes to amount of stupidity that resides in these borders. I…
Dear rest of the world:
The gaiters I bought are large enough that I can easily make a double layer of fabric to go over my nose & mouth, and yes, they’re pretty darn snug. So I’m hopeful they’re at least better than nothing.
I’ll take hackers over the idiot screaming into his microphone like an obnoxious idiot in that video.
Don’t know what’s worse, the hacking or that fucking video embedded in this article.
No it comes from the recognition people get. Either just from outlet writing articles about how crazy skilled they are or from the monetary gaon they get from being a streamer/youtuber. As long as there are rewards, trophies, or money/fame to be gained from cheating then there will be cheaters.
I’m a fan of Microsoft changing course and being far more pro-consumer than Sony since the PS4/Xbox One reveal ,when Microsoft had to scramble away from the “check in to play your own games” nonsense. Since then, Microsoft has welcomed cross-play more, provided better mod support, not cheaped out by skipping 4k…