
For those who don’t wanna watch:

Thanks for the video that I’m not going to watch for something that could just as easily be text I could read at my own pace.

It’s bonkers to me that after 6 years, there still isn’t another enemy race. Sure, there are variations on the mains, but come on.

Sony can have whatever policy they want, but any EULA a person signs or policy they write can’t overwrite actual laws. If they are not following a countries laws, then both of those things are moot.

Your policy still has to be within the contraints of the law, you know.

Let me take this one: Yes. Some people really are that dumb

are you really this dumb? 

I must be getting old. This seems really stupid to me. Giant ship aiming to crash into the Earth still crashes into the Earth. Good thing this is all in a videogame where the physics are what the creator defines them to be.

It’s impressive how much and how hard Bungie misses the mark and the community will continue to be like “cut em some slack!”

“Destiny has been full of “had to be there” moments”

The other, however, showed people apparently looting a local business, which, to be clear, is not something someone with 16.5 million followers should publicly post if they consider themselves an ally.

Because they don’t leave witnesses.

Most people don’t know ORCA is an anagram for OCEANBOUND RAIDING CETACEOUS ASSASSINS”

Give me mesh or give me death. All these gamer chairs look like ass sweat incarnate. Not to actually talk about the sweaty gamer aesthetic they all have. Spend the $600 on a Aeron and never looked back, still going strong after almost 10 years now, so pretty sure the price per year is a non issue.

EA’s not going to have the main Bioware studio working on what is essentially a port.  They’ll pawn something like that off onto a smaller subsidiary studio.  

Yeah, I think they hit the US in early 2017?

Yeah, I think they hit the US in early 2017?

Because they treated a threat like it would be real?

Hell, even if it was a real gun, she’s a Storm Trooper, it’s not like she would have hit anything.

Yes, I was interested in one of their more reasonably priced sets until I read the reviews. Most of the worst ones were that they simply stopped working about a year in.

Yes, I was interested in one of their more reasonably priced sets until I read the reviews. Most of the worst ones

I quit right before this season began. I stuck it out for the first two seasons after shadow-keep because I wanted to get what I paid for (I bought the whole season pass), but by the end of season of dawn, it just wasn’t worth it. There are better devs out there that actually respect the amount of time their players

And if it’s not in the testing documents it would surely be in the test car’s internal logs. That's the only way Musk could be making such a specific claim, really.