
Oswalt always has the best insults. On his special Werewolves and Lollipops, a dude randomly shouts in the middle of an involved joke, and Oswalt tears into him absolutely without restraint for about five minutes before finally just sighing and finishing it with, “You’re going to miss everything cool and die angry.”


Working to your own schedule is something that’s easy to struggle with, actually, because you don’t have the ability to separate work life from home life the way other occupations do. Because it’s a labor of love, you can easily end up dedicating far more of your life to it than is anywhere near healthy. For example,

Dwarf Fortress is one of, if not the, most complicated game ever developed, and has both merciless difficulty and a lack of any real tutorial aside from fanmade ones. With the graphics updated it’ll be much easier for newcomers (a large part of the difficulty is getting to understand what the screen is telling you and

Geocities and Angelfire were worlds unto themselves, and if you weren’t involved in that culture it will be 100% alien to you. If you want a completely accurate time capsule, go to the Space Jam website. 

The concept is decent but be careful about emote-specific buffs. That can obviously dip into pay-to-win very easily.

Now, if you can buff someone else by dancing at them, we can have Division 2 Bards, and I need to dig up my d20 so I can roll a Perform check. 

Right now, Shroud has more than twice as many subs as anyone else on Twitch. Ninja has more followers and more views, but Shroud’s crowd puts more money up. 

For my money, Horizon: Zero Dawn does exploration a lot better, in addition to a better combat system and a more comprehensive lore background. It’s annoyingly preachy at points, but if you just like wandering around in the wilds and looking at robot dinosaurs, it’s rock solid. 

I don’t think it’s a bug. I think the numbers under the hood don’t look anything like the numbers the players get back, and that’s why Anthem doesn’t have a stats page, or any kind of easy access to view system mechanics. 

This would be a better argument if the place wasn’t a grocery store, as in one of the few places customers are going to have to come back to on a regular basis. From the tone of the article, it sounds like the customers didn’t want to just leave cash out in the open where someone else could steal it from the store.

He probably meant dry rot, like what happens to exposed rubber in the sun. 

Destiny at least functioned correctly. That puts it above Anthem and 76. Boring is less of a sin than actively malicious.

In psychology, this is referred to as ‘social proof’.

If the servers stay up, Titanfall will be played forever. I can’t remember the last time a game nailed the Giant Robot niche so well - probably Chromehounds or BattleTech Online, and those are both completely impenetrable to newcomers. TF put it out on the mass market with panache.

Real talk, there’s a mod that increases reward money at the end of each mission, and it makes the game vastly less depressing. It gives you enough dough to cure your character’s negative quirks at the end of each mission (presuming you’re not just wildly activating everything), and without characters constantly going

The general progression most people take is to do different builds, because unlike Dark Souls, your progression through Bloodborne will vary wildly depending on what key weapons / tools you’re using. For example, if you’re running a Bloodtinge Build, you play up to Hemwick normally, then make a run through the Poison

Hanlon’s Razor: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Plenty of people are morally incompetent without an illness to excuse it.

While I understand what you’re saying, I’m not paying 60$ plus season passes so that I can eventually be a cool kid on an old block.

The most reputable problem I’ve seen is that he never had any chemical burns from the bleach he was supposedly doused in. Depending on what source you read, he either directly identifies it as bleach, as “an unidentified chemical substance”, or never had it poured on him at all. I can’t figure out if that’s authorial

Titanfall 2, for my money, was the best shooter of the last ten years. 

You’re not wrong, but that’s the only currency I buy shit with once I own a game.