Full list below. Total is $1,285.00 USD.
Full list below. Total is $1,285.00 USD.
They do love their wartime aggression. Obviously not all of them. One of my best friends played a fair amount of Black Ops 1 & 2 and he's a very nice guy. Not violent or aggressive in the least. Still, they have been conditioned with certain FPS progressions expectations...for better or worse.
Totally. I just throw on Netflix or talk radio on my iPad while I run patrols/do crucible matches and break down the random loot I get. Slowly but surely my character is growing, and I've always got at least a new gun or two to level up.
Yeah, I got the same helmet 4 times and said goodbye to the time sink that is Queen's Wrath.
Well, Bungie kind of asked for this response with their whole "Become Legend" angle. Everyone was shown all this totally awesome loot, exotics, etc. From standard shooter conventions, you put a week or so into the game, everything unlocks, you are "Legend" (on your local console). You move on and come back whenever…
Hey, let's just nerf the PC port too. I'll run out and grab a native 900p display to get the optimum experience. Or not.
Got frustrated at the lack of story and found this site hunting for answers.
So to sum up. Farming is okay when it takes hours, but efficient farming for the same payload in a fifth of the time without having to move is not.
Would have been pretty awesome if they embraced it to have him say something like "Hahaha, well that's disappointing."
Guess Bungie knew this first crowd wasn't really the "core" Destiny players. You seen the forums? All new people and my lord are they toxic. Keeping that crowd silenced from the get go is preferable to silencing an entire team every match.
They might remain mum on that due to the interest in using plot/art/other assets from Titan in future projects. Just because it's dead doesn't mean you can't....loot...the...cor....oh lord that metaphor got dark quick.
No one can escape societal programming. Gamers are no different than any other subgroup that takes 'perceived' and real crap all their lives, then oddly, ironically, just JUMP at the chance to tear down someone else with the same comments. Haters gonna hate. And Gamers got some HATE stored up for sure. It's sad. Not…
Maybe he wanted one Blade Dancer and one Gunslinger...and...another Blade Dancer? For? Parties?
Part of me, the very dark part of me that I hope never sees the light of day, kinda wanted this to be 'Level 30 - All Murder Cave!'
He really didn't do anything with the Steam Machine that the other 99% of us wouldn't absolutely do if we had one.
Not saying diversity isn't important...but that's a sweet comment you made there. Lol.
I'm all about diversity. But seriously, can we find another game to brow-beat the developers into diversity and inclusion? Just give FFXV a pass this time? On the grounds of 'I really want to play this thing before I die of old age'?
Or just sit by the loot cave while other people farm your engrams for you. Laziness FTW.
He really did capture the feeling of Destiny perfectly. +10 on Hamilton Respect.
I've been waiting for your review for over a week now, and I can't tell you how awesome it was to read that first line and completely understand the exact moment of catharsis that accompanied your thoughts as you were, like me, firing endlessly into a cave. Hating it, and just as weirdly loving it - the unspoken…