Vagrant Aim

Sounds like their strategy to combat this is to send thier super army to wipe out the team farming...which is AWESOME.

I too have experienced the Bungie Revenge Army. Love that instead of just banning people, turning off the spawning (classic bad developer reaction) Bungie is embracing the grind aspect, and sending an army of super enemies to give us a break from the shoot shoot loot.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I'm going with "low self esteem douche bags" instead of "hacker group". But that's just me.

Lets not give these leeches any more of the attention they, desperately, deserve Fahey.

PBR ruins everything. Haha. Couldn't resist.

*Forehead smack*

Aside from the standard "we're in the polish stage" lines, did you catch the feeling that the disconnect was due to any other reasons than aging tech - like maybe they're Dev resources are focused in Halo 5 more than Halo Anniversary? Just curious. Converting all of those games over has got to be a mountain of effort.

Vanguard Strikes use matchmaking. Not sure if the new raid falls into the lvl 26 matchmaking rotation or are separate.

You can use the directional buttons to Dance/Wave. Seriously, I've joined more Fireteams without saying a word to my teammates than I ever thought possible. I am by no means a social butterfly and I hate wearing a even after being in a Fireteam, I'm still just dancing/waving my way through any

On the opposite of that, I'm thankful that its not Call of Duty forcing all of their action on me every three steps I take. Thank goodness someone made a shooter where instant gratification to people with 10 second attention spans was not the key objective.

One has to wonder about the integrity of the review scores that make up the Meta score. Not all sites or writers are created equal...and not all reviews are as transparent with the Pro/Con approach as Kotaku. For a game that has already booked $500 mil to retailers, I'm especially wary of reviews that focus on the

Yes. The specials do have an impact as well. Good call. I was an utter failure as a Gunslinger, and the early stages of Blade Dancer were equally painful (no double jump, etc.). But my KD ratio increased as I grew more comfortable with the subclass. Though I still die. A lot.

Agreed. Destiny's format is similar to recent standout examples like From Softwares Soul's series, and Kojima's PT demo - let the player play and discover everything on their own, instead of filling their screens with constant tutorial boxes.

It should have the same general damage modifier as a higher level weapon.

Level Advantages are disabled in all of the main Crucible playlists. The only thing players go in with is their skill and will my friend. And their weapons of choice...which are again normalized. I dropped in at level 4 as soon as it opened and kept at it until I hit 20.

Unless you happen upon a Control zone packed with other Guardians. Then WHOOOOSH. Purple death.

Blade Dancers do get some perks in close quarters, but they are easily stoppable from medium range out. Call me crazy but I think Destiny does a decent job of making all the classes feel suitably OP in particular situations.