
So this app assumes you fall asleep immediately and sleep soundly through until morning. As one with multiple sleep ailments (Restless Leg Syndrome, Apnea and occasional Insomnia) I would likely benefit from an accurate daily reporting of sleep but my time in bed is not at all the same as actual sleep time and so this

I'm in Colombia now and thankfully have had no problems. I definitely use the multi stash method but also rarely carry more money when out and about than I would be willing to lose and never any cards. I rarely carry my money belt when not traveling to a new destination (bus, plane, boat, etc.). I also have 3-4

I use Amazon and Paperback Swap customer reviews. The Amazon suggestions are rarely of much use to me.

I'm pretty sure the other multi-tools would make fun of the spork multi-tool.

I have been following most of these the past year and it definitely helps. I cut out caffeine entirely for a year and then now drink some sparingly before Noon only. I also dim my monitor at night and shut it off completely an hour or more before bed. Finally I also make sure that I keep the same sleep cycle every day

@jammywoley: It used to take me that long too. Now I can usually fall asleep in 10 min or less but I do not drink caffeine after Noon. I also try to exercise more and turn down the brightness of my monitor at night and off completely at least an hour before bed.

A Sous Vide home cooker @ $400 will be cheaper than the Electrical Engineering degree I would need to build this.

@wjglenn: Not true. Many fancy restaurants use this method and then just sear on the grill quick at the end for color/presentation and so produce the best of the best. If you have every had a normally tough cut of meat like flank steak at a restaurant and it was surprisingly moist and Filet Mignon-like in texture they

Vote: Bluehost

I have traveled even more extensively (65 countries now) and I see Travelers Checks as being way antiquated. Many developing countries will not accept them in most places and places that do accept them can charge a huge commission and an even more disfavorable exchange rate (a double hit). Plus in Africa they will not

I have traveled even more extensively (65 countries now) and I see Travelers Checks as being way antiquated. Many developing countries will not accept them in most places and places that do accept them can charge a huge commission and an even more disfavorable exchange rate (a double hit). Plus in Africa they will not

@Vagabum: They also said Vitamin B complex was good before. Water is great as long as you drink it during also. Water only at the end has minimal effect. Salt is also good and will help your body get back to absorbing the water rather than passing it like the booze.

StuffYouShould know did a very good podcast on hangovers (free on iTunes). They agreed with lots of water and also refuted the hair of the dog method. Real Aspirin before bed is good according to the podcast but acetaminophen and ibuprophen are VERY bad for liver when combined with alcohol. After drinking late at

For video to game systems I love TVersity.

Cool. It is almost the scene in Total Recall (minus the entire wall display).

It looks cool but I really want an interactive version with links I can use with WordPress and not just a fixed graphic. I currently use Word Cloud but I like the look of Tagxedo even better.

I had no itms item in about:config nor an iTunes content setting in the application settings under Firefox 3.6 and Windows 7 and Itunes 9.

I do check in sometimes with FourSquare when I remember and it cool to be able to see where friends who use it have gone on that day and I like the point system that encourages competing with your friends for the week. The mayor thing is overly limited to a single person though so really not something to strive for.

@Vagabum: [thinking of naughty phone sex opportunities...]
