
Man, white people do -not- like to be reminded they’re white.

I guess I don’t really understand what you’re saying, here. I think the idea behind their demonstration is to draw attention to a problem, and this accomplishes that. It doesn’t have to be rich with symbolism if it brings an issue forward, is I guess where I come down on that.

It actually gets MUCH more capitalist and bourgeoisie than a 20-something running a Twitter account to respond to complaints regarding famous hamburgers

No, it still is.

Sued by DOJ for refusing to rent to black people, ultimately settling the case (despite “never settling”), then sued and settles again for failing to live up to original settlement.

Give Kelly credit. It’s been almost seven years since any Notre Dame students have needlessly died under his watch.

Life in Ohio is so bland they think that ranch is the pinnacle of exciting and flavorful.

On the one hand, it’s Ohio State, so fuck ‘em. There is no other hand.

. . . unless you go deep into the Ohio State corners of the internet . . . .

There’s another, but the Mets won’t let him play two sports.

...and he is in jail for his crimes. Hamiltons post isnt attempting to justify his actions and the posted letter isnt asking for a release. The letter the convicted individual wrote is pointing out that society is ignoring the problems that help create and foster others like him. And unless we try and change our

All the trivia we are absorbed is obliterated in the face of death, whether it’s this death row inmate or Petra Kvitova. It’s a God-damned shame that the vast majority of the wealthy world hasn’t had enough personal death in their lives to get their heads out of their asses and use their power to help those who did

the jurors for this case are going to be paid more than SB Nation site managers

Yeah, please fuck off forever. I’ve lived through catastrophic natural disasters. People need to eat and drink clean water. Christ, go jerk yourself off with Atlas Shrugged again, you wretched piece of shit.

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

Honestly, I like that Dan Snyder got robbed.