
Shut up you fucking turd. 


Yes, it’s outrage. have you not followed the Overwatch community? They’re perpetually upset. 

Fuck gamers forever. 

He has no obligation to do anything, you ass. 

Shut up. 

Shut up. 

Shut up.

Oh no, edgelords are upset. 

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you know how flashbacks work? 

Explicitly because he was exposed to a black hole, which is admittedly silly shit, but the idea literally is that his mind was scrambled. I don’t think they’re trying to diagnose him with schizophrenia. It’s a little heavy-handed, but the outrage is a bit much. 

Cool story, edgelord. 

But she hasn’t evolved. She never stopped protecting shitty cops, she never stopped keeping the wrongfully accused behind bars, and she never stopped prosecutorial misconduct. She’s a fucking cop. 

Really? Junkrat isn’t crazy? 

People need to calm the fuck down. 


She was shitty about something that required zero shit. You’re welcome. 

She won’t respond to this. 

Bloggers are the worst. 

You realize telling the truth isn’t trolling, yes? Your response to his article was to suggest he implied something he didn’t. You’re dumb.