
You’re responding to me with something that has nothing to do with me. Way to reinforce my original statement. 

You’re dumb and missed the point. Congrats. 


Someone should hit her with a car. 

Yes, I’m sure there is totally a potential he’ll be unwilling to learn fight choreography, you dink.

You are fucking up the proper use of ellipses, friend.

Everything has been seen before. You aren’t making a point. 

You’re dumb. 

You’ll always be a blogger. Never a journalist. Eat shit, try-hard. 


Edgelord gonna edgelord. 


If this thread and the media are any indication, the only acceptable thoughts are the ones held by the left.

No, she doesn’t. Ineffective troll gonna ineffective troll.

Eat shit. 

You’re an idiot. 

Someone needs to fire her into the ocean with a clown cannon. 

This feels like half a piece. 


Nice brand new account, dipshit.