
Die in a fire. 


Stupid people with confidence are silly motherfuckers. 

Yes, it’s a very safe bet. Have you not lived through the last twenty years? 

Shut the fuck up. 

I look very impressive, being that I easily won an argument against an idiot who then angrily did exactly what I told him to do, as you pointed out, until he gave up. Seems all good on my end. 

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Why are you directing this at me?

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Here, we’ll do it this way. Since you clearly refuse to do more than look at the original article, because looking at the sources would undermine your delusion, and we both know this is really a game of Last Word, I’m just gonna post a random emoji at you. You’ll flail at it for a while, but you’ll never find the in

I can do this forever. And I still won! 

You’re deeply stupid. And yes, reporters tend to collect sources for articles. Very astute of you, being that you’re the dumb.

Also, we’re already at the part where you hope you’ll simply be the last person to type something. You’re all very, very easy. 

I appreciate how willfully stupid you are. It’s fun!

You can’t even spell policy.

Buuuuut, also, again, link full of sources. You and this bright star appear to be averse to simple-to-click-on evidence. I’d say that’s weird, but par for the course with internet dinks who can’t handle being wrong. 

By winning? Generally.