

Again, posted an article that links to numerous sources on his policy positions. Keep rreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-ing over being proven wrong and not having the strength of character to admit it. Playing Last Word is adorable.

I literally posted an article full of sources from discussions he’s had on policy. But keep dipshittin’!

You lost this argument. It’s cool. It’s fine. 

Hey look, you trying to save face by pretending links to his actual statements on policy aren’t available if you do a little digging!

At this point, you’re just playing a game of Last Word with me. In addition to this argument, I’ll win that too. 

This was just one of the very easy to find articles (with a series of links to sources) that you can find.

Because she’s not a writer. 

You didn’t make a larger point. 

Or, you know, people who actually compare the platforms of candidates and came to the conclusion that he at least has formed a plan around his candidacy. I’m not sold on him as a candidate, but I at least know where he stands on major issues. Ashley had to go out of her way to know nothing about him and write this

It’s written for assholes. She wrote it for herself. 

Pete Buttigieg, who is enjoying a surge in the polls for no apparent reason

So, you watched him in WWE.

Shut up. 

Your strengths clearly aren’t admitting you’re too dumb to get an easy joke.

I can do this forever. 

Oh, dipshits generally don’t care that they’re dipshits. I’m well aware. Doesn’t mean I don’t feel inclined to let you know you’re a moron.

You’re trying too hard. 

They didn’t say it was done on purpose you fucking idiot. 

Why would that be your first assumption?

They’re thinking, “Black people. It’s fine.”

Oh, I get it. You’re a dumb troll. Carry on, dipshit.